Android 6.0 Marshmallow these devices will soon reach … – CNET in Spanish
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Google has begun the release of Android 6.0 Marshmallow and manufacturers such as HTC, Motorola and Sony have announced which devices will receive the update. Samsung, meanwhile, has not officially announced the release of Android 6.0 for their devices, but the blog SamMobile ensures that internal sources have confirmed to a preliminary list of devices.
This list corresponds to devices Samsung already be starting to test for the update and includes the model of each device and the operator for some of them.
As expected, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 Edge +, Galaxy S6 and Edge Galaxy S6 are part of the list, but we also see the Galaxy S5, S5 Galaxy Neo, Galaxy S5 LTE-A, Edge Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 4.
This is the complete list of devices Marshmallow would update to Android 6.0, as reported SamMobile. *