One of the applications that have generated more buzz lately in the iOS platform comes to Android, as we read on Engadget. Periscope talk about one of the services, along with others like Meerkat , are changing the way certain broadcast or just to convey important daily events in real-time events. Although it seems that in recent weeks has declined somewhat use, I think this launch will greatly increase their use , like the launch of Instagram on Android for years.

The good Periscope news release on Android is that unlike what they usually do with your Twitter app, the new streaming application is similar in function to its iOS heramana , and has its own personality, thanks based interface to its Material Design. This time there are even options that make it superior to the version available for iPhone, such as greater control over notifications and the possibility of continuing with streaming even if they have cut by a call or other interruption of software .

Live streaming of Android comes to quality, and thus a possible explosion in use.

responsible for leading the development team Periscope Android has been in charge of the former Secret, Twitter and Vine in Android, Sara Haider . After returning in March, he was quickly put to work. As we read, the challenge in development has been dealing with the classic problems of fragmentation that occur in the development of applications for Android, caused mainly by the variety of sizes.

Of course, we must have with a smartphone that has Android 4.4 KitKat or higher , so that the large number of users is still Jelly Bean will not enjoy it. It is explained by the APIs video encoding hardware that the application requires.

In Hypertext we had a debate on what brings Periscope and how it affects society. Eduardo Arcos told us about the irrelevance of Periscope, while Javier Lacor told us why we love Periscope

