Sunday, August 30, 2015

Here are four ways to save space on Android phones – The Costa Rica Nation

The Consumer Eroski organization offers a number of tips to remove the device files or applications that are not used or substitute some other apps that meet the same requirements, but they occupy less space.

  1. Clean the device. The first step is to look at what apps are installed and not used, duplicate photos, videos or pictures sent by WhatsApp and the music is stored not needed. You can also move files that do not want to delete a `cloud ‘as Dropbox or online platforms such as Flickr, which has its mobile version.

  2. Use a card SD. Another trick to win in Android’s memory using an external SD card (or micro SD) to store the heaviest applications. Some of them even have nearly as much memory as the device itself. Just go to ‘Settings’ and from there into `Applications’ or’ Manage applications’, select the program and move to SD card ”. Not all apps can be moved to the external card, even files like music and images together.

  3. Change the apps most they weighed. It is sometimes difficult to get rid of some applications that can occupy up to more than 100 MB, but still has all necessary implementing an alternative that captures less memory space, although less advanced options. For Naked browsers can use Browser, which occupies 117 KB. A surrogate Facebook app is Facebook Lite, which occupies only 500 KB, or in the case of Twitter is Tinfoil for Twitter.

  4. Retrieve space lost There are applications that let you know which programs or folders occupy more space, such as Disk Usage & amp;. amp; Storage Analyzer. This app uses graphics that distinguish which takes more space on your smartphone or tablet. Avira also very similar Optimizer or Clean Master, which scan the installed applications to see which ones are the heaviest. Another app that lets you clear the cache of all installed applications is App Cache Cleaner. If what is left in the mobile are images and do not know how to discard the Gallery app Doctor detects blurred images or poor quality that perfectly can be removed from the device to gain more space.



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