Then we shared a compendium of guidelines prepared by our friends at Intel Software, which will be helpful either to start or deepen your knowledge in Android development.
The guidelines are organized into categories, depending on his role or purpose.
Introduction to Android SDK and environment settings
To start developing on Android is necessary to have a basic knowledge of Android SDK. The following links explain how to set up a development environment according to IDE you use.
Eclipse ADT was the standard IDE for Android development until December this year. Android Studio is a new IDE wearing two years in alpha and beta, and finally a few days ago was released version 1.0 and it is the new official IDE for Android development. Although only plan to use Android Studio, we recommend that you review the guide also install Eclipse ADT as it contains valuable information on how to install and update the various components of Android SDK, in addition to how to install an emulator accelerated virtualization , which will help greatly accelerate the performance of the emulator to test your apps (trust us, if you use the default emulator without hardware acceleration you lose a lot of time waiting for it to boot).
Generic Development with Java
Most Android apps are programmed in the language Java. This code Java compiled by independent bytecode platform, which is then executed by the virtual machine Android (either Dalvik, traditional virtual machine or ART, VM default from Android Lollipop).
There are plenty of guides, courses and tutorials to learn how to Android build simple applications with Java . In Free Android is a list of resources for learning to program in Android from scratch free.
Native Development (NDK)
As mentioned, Android apps usually develop in Java and the generated code is an independent bytecode processor architecture (ie it does not contain specific to one type of processor like ARM, x86 or other instructions). However, there are times when you want to maximize the performance of your app , or interact with the hardware at a lower level (eg in video games or apps intensive 3D graphics). To do this, you can program libraries in C / C ++ that are compiled into binaries specific processor architecture (eg. X86). Native Development Kit (NDK) is the set of tools and scripts to build these libraries building and expose them for use in your app. . For the Java code for your app can interact with these binary libraries using Java Native Interface (JNI)
The tutorial How to execute code C from the Android NDK NDK explains how to install and build simple apps that interact with binary libraries.
The next step in the native development is optimizing for target architectures from of different optimization techniques, such as using flags (flags) specific compiler, or use profiling tools that help us find where we can use specific instructions processor architecture to improve performance. Article Creation and Porting Android NDK apps based explains some of these options.
Optimization presentation of Android Apps for x86 architecture provides a comprehensive overview of the entire process.
Applications Hybrid HTML5
apps HTML5 hybrid combines the best of web technologies and native. A popular platform to build hybrid applications is Apache Cordova.
One of the problems associated with the development HTML5 Mashups is that with the variety of mobile platforms (and versions within each), do not have security APIs support Javascript and CSS capabilities are available on the device where your app will run. The Crosswalk project aims to address this problem. Crosswalk is a runtime HTML you include in your app, so your app work on this and behave the same way on any device. Crosswalk is open source, so it’s not only free but you can also change it.
Intel XDK is a free IDE for developing web applications and HTML5 hybrid covering workflow development, debugging, testing and building . XDK uses Apache Cordova and Crosswalk, so you can exploit native capabilities of the phone as well as advanced capabilities Chromium and WebKit. For example, through Crosswalk SIMD instructions can be executed from JavaScript through Bookseller Strategies testing
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Obviously, the best thing to try is to have my actual devices. However, the variety of Android devices and OS versions complicate this. Thus, the most common is use an Android emulator on your computer , but the problem is that usually takes a long time to start it and has a slow performance, which hinders the tests. One possibility to improve the performance of the emulator is to use hardware acceleration using Intel HAXM.
Another strategy that is increasingly popular is to use a service testing of apps in the cloud as AppThwack or TestDroid. These services have laboratories connected to the cloud you can use to test your app actual devices. Typically what you do is:
- Upload your app along with a script to test
- Select the device where you want it to taste
- Display.. the results of tests to find if there are problems in some device.
These services have a cost that rises each device you want to try. The good news is that both AppThwack and TestDroid, you can try on devices with Intel at no cost.
No doubt there are a thousand ways to develop Android and presented to us are just a few. Google has greatly simplified programming Android Android by Studio 1.0 stable, but there are still many tools and SDKs that require a more complex learning process.

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