order is available the very latest version of Android for Moto smartphone G Motorola .
has cost more than expected, considering it is a mobile phone equipped with Android Stock without customization layers, due to the problems that caused the Android 4.4.3 update in other smartphones.
Motorola Google decided to wait for the solucionase, before upgrading, and so have gone from Android 4.4.2 Android 4.4.4 KitKat.
A new update less than its predecessor, but still interesting and important bug fixes improvements.
How to upgrade to Android 4.4.4 on Moto G
To complete the installation, install the update when charging the phone battery is at least 50% and is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
* You can
received a notification message for this update
- Selecciona Download
- When software is downloaded, select Install now
- After installing the software, the phone will automatically restart.
Analysis Moto G
* Did not receive a notification about this update
- icon Settings in the application menu
- Select About phone
- Select System Updates
- Select Download . When the software is downloaded, select Install
- After installing the software, the phone will automatically restart
New Android 4.4.4 KitKat
- Enhancements profile battery management
- Update
- Fix for frequent loss of data connection
- Fix for drop-mm qcamera-daemon and some other optimizations
- Fix camera focus both regular and HDR mode
- Power Management Arrangements Screen
- multiple arrangements Bluetooth
- Shortcuts to apps sometimes eliminated the launcher after update
- Fix for safety when removing USB
- security arrangement with shortcuts to apps
- Answer on auto-connect to WiFi
- Another solution to problems with camera
- Fixes MMS, Email / Exchange, Calendar, People / Dialer / Contacts, DSP, IPv6, VPN
- Solve activation screen that sometimes got stuck
- Fix subtitles
- LED solution to the problem of missed calls
- Fix for graphic data usage
- solution to meet the FFC
- Solving Other errors included in Android 4.4.3 KitKat
Fix for random reboots
Motorola has developed its own improvements Moto G that are installed with this update.
highlights the complete redesign of the Phone app . Now the contacts and recent calls are organized by color and linking conversations and messages:
10 tricks to get out of your Moto G
Camera app
Finally The new Motorola Alert app that allow you to send periodic alerts on your location to contacts you have previously selected opens. Very useful for monitoring the elderly and children, or if you suffer an emergency. This app is available on Google Play.