Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Moto G, Updated to Android 4.4.4 KitKat in Spain – ComputerHoy

order is available the very latest version of Android for Moto smartphone G Motorola .

has cost more than expected, considering it is a mobile phone equipped with Android Stock without customization layers, due to the problems that caused the Android 4.4.3 update in other smartphones.

Motorola Google decided to wait for the solucionase, before upgrading, and so have gone from Android 4.4.2 Android 4.4.4 KitKat.

A new update less than its predecessor, but still interesting and important bug fixes improvements.

How to upgrade to Android 4.4.4 on Moto G

To complete the installation, install the update when charging the phone battery is at least 50% and is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

* You can

received a notification message for this update

G Moto Android Updated 4.4.4 KitKat

  • Selecciona Download
  • When software is downloaded, select Install now
  • After installing the software, the phone will automatically restart.

Analysis Moto G

* Did not receive a notification about this update


  • icon Settings in the application menu
  • Select About phone
  • Select System Updates
  • Select Download . When the software is downloaded, select Install
  • After installing the software, the phone will automatically restart

New Android 4.4.4 KitKat

  • Enhancements profile battery management
  • openSSL

  • Update
  • Fix for frequent loss of data connection
  • Fix for drop-mm qcamera-daemon and some other optimizations
  • Fix camera focus both regular and HDR mode
  • Power Management Arrangements Screen
  • multiple arrangements Bluetooth
  • Fix for random reboots

  • Shortcuts to apps sometimes eliminated the launcher after update
  • Fix for safety when removing USB
  • security arrangement with shortcuts to apps
  • Answer on auto-connect to WiFi
  • Another solution to problems with camera
  • Fixes MMS, Email / Exchange, Calendar, People / Dialer / Contacts, DSP, IPv6, VPN
  • Solve activation screen that sometimes got stuck
  • Fix subtitles
  • LED solution to the problem of missed calls
  • Fix for graphic data usage
  • solution to meet the FFC
  • Solving Other errors included in Android 4.4.3 KitKat



Motorola has developed its own improvements Moto G that are installed with this update.

highlights the complete redesign of the Phone app . Now the contacts and recent calls are organized by color and linking conversations and messages:

Moto G Updated Android 4.4.4 KitKat

10 tricks to get out of your Moto G

Camera app has also been updated. Add a new button in the image viewer to pause and resume video recording.

Finally The new Motorola Alert app that allow you to send periodic alerts on your location to contacts you have previously selected opens. Very useful for monitoring the elderly and children, or if you suffer an emergency. This app is available on Google Play.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

8 things you lose if you go from Android to Windows Phone – MovilZona.es

There is no more critical time in the life of a Geek when on the horizon a change of platform and operating system on your smartphone, which means that, yes or yes, begin to fear that many of the tasks that performs nearly unperturbed affected. Imagine for a moment that you pass Windows Phone to Android.

Although many people are everyday You use Windows Phone and its evolution in the recent years has been really spectacular, not to deny that still walk away than is possible with an Android device. Especially when peeked his head to the Google Play Store and see the enormity of options we have in our hand to perform the task, via application we want.

That’s why it never hurts do a ‘reverse list’. That is, instead of listing the obvious advantages to upgrade to such a popular mobile operating system like Google, why not reflect those things that get lost in transit from one to another and also have value? So sure you check out if you have Windows Phone on your phone and you want to go to Android, these are the things you miss.

Applications ‘officially unofficial’

installed 3rd-party-640x424-1

shortages applications is a direct result of the lower popularity of Windows Phone with respect to Android, but no you will live without doing many of the most popular tasks that have to do (almost always) with social networks and the like. For example, SnapChat has no official application but there are developed by the community, is infinitely better. Same goes with Instagram.



id=”result_box” class=”hps”> Windows Phone allows you to change few things but which affect how the operating system is that you end up missing it when you land on Android. With just replace two or three colors, the look of the mobile is completely transformed and it seems to have in hand a different device. This, in Google OS is possible, but at the cost of making root, install specific ROMs, etc..

modes ahorrro battery


id=”result_box” The Battery Saver” too lose on your way to Android and is very useful when you can not connect it to a charger. With it, Windows Phone off some services and, especially, dramatically reduces background tasks, leaving SMS alert applications or phone calls. Furthermore, since the arrival of Windows Phone 8.1 this option has further improved , coming to let us choose which services or applications ‘silenced’ when we want to extend the range of our terminal.

This, as you know, Android is very complicated and although there are applications that do similar things, actually quite often more traumatic and radicals. Hopefully Android L change things completely in this regard.

Volume Controls


Android, on mobile and with AOSP installation, let alone raise or lower the volume of applications we have right now in operation in the foreground. But in Windows Phone that is not so and is much simpler because it leaves us to calibrate the different ‘layers’ of audio it up. Systems, music, application, etc.

Softness in its menus

It is clear that in this section relies heavily on smartphone Android but it is not exactly an example of fluidity in their menus , especially when we pick on models that are very powerful and have huge layers of ‘personalization’ (the manufacturer) to endure.

This does not happen in Windows Phone and will be one of the elements that you will notice just landed in the system Operating from Google. Of course, if you have ‘homesickness’ that quickly, do not despair, you can always go to a mobile store and ask a Nokia Lumia teach you to feel again that quickly.

physical buttons to access Camera


Android tends to have a shortcut on the lock screen even though we save something time, no comparison with the physical button that usually carry Windows Phone and allowing them, even when locked, enter the camera almost instantly. This allows us to take the time just to grasp and that deserves a passing Number Instant posterity.

That button ‘hardware’ is one of those things that nobody understands why not extend why not become part of the essential elements that should adorn a smartphone. Especially the top end you have the best cameras on the market in quality and MP.



are surely to a matter of taste, but is much more illustrative and useful view full screen (thumbnail) leave open how this or that app , a simple cutout square where only see what we were doing.

In addition, this Android ‘multitasking’ is sometimes confusing because we do not know if it is a list of recently opened applications or really see a way to resume a process that had left half. In Windows Phone, definitely, everything is much clearer.

consistent application List


There is nothing insane in the Android application drawer crowd where all we have installed on the smartphone. Often has no criteria beyond the organizational order of arrival to our device , so you look for is almost mission impossible. Some models let us reorganize but most do not.

Windows Phone In that menu is clear, simple and has the logic of having the applications in alphabetical order. From A to Z. In this way everything is at hand in Android.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Microsoft says goodbye to Nokia with Android – InfoBAE.com



class=”credito Credit:
Microsoft put an end to Nokia X, a series of smartphones that use a modified version of the Google Android operating system.

The X

online experience was being developed by Nokia prior to the landing of Microsoft, I finally decided to make the sale Several models just now withdraw them and turn them into Windows Phone.
The decision, according to The Verge , further comprising the output of new Asha phones with connection capabilities Internet focused on a middle segment.
“We intend to change product designs selected to become X Nokia Lumia with Windows products,” said Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO to also announce 18,000 layoffs the company.
The firm will focus on a strategy for the “establishment of a market for Windows Phone”, the mobile operating system of Microsoft, explains his side Stephen Elop , former president of Nokia now in charge of the activities of Microsoft hardware, in a separate mail.
Microsoft announced Thursday that it will cut 18,000 jobs worldwide workforce over the next year, most as a result of the integration of the newly acquired unit Nokia, the largest job cuts in its history.


A press notes that the decision is part of a “restructuring plan to simplify aligning their operations and Nokia handsets and business services to the general company strategy “.
The cuts represent about 14% of Microsoft’s total workforce of about 127,000 employees.
Nadella said in an email to employees that “difficult but necessary” layoffs are part of a plan to provide a new strategic direction to the U.S. technology giant.
“The first step to build the appropriate organization to our ambitions is to realign our workforce. Importantly, although we are eliminating positions in some areas, are adding jobs in other strategic areas, “he adds.
Microsoft completed the acquisition of Nokia’s phone unit in April, in a move that strengthened its position in mobile phones, at a cost of 7,500 million.
So far, the biggest job cuts made by the computer giant had occurred in 2009 when 5,800 people were laid off.
The new boss of Microsoft, who took office in February, insists that “the cloud (data services in the cloud or on-line) and the mobile sector must be first” to catch up with respect to Apple and Google rivals.
executive wants to proceed quickly and the bulk of the layoffs will occur in the next six months.
Jack Gold, a specialist in the technology sector analyst notes that “a readjustment of the era (the president of Microsoft Steve) Ballmer to Nadella was” occurs.
“Ballmer was very interested in appliances, wanted to be the next Apple,” while his successor seeks rather “focus on products and services and not compete with manufacturers” of PCs using Microsoft programs.
The exact distribution of the cuts was not detailed. But the production of phones will be reorganized and concentrated essentially in Hanoi, Vietnam, with a small part in Beijing and Dongguan in China. The plant Komaron, Hungary, will be closed, said Elop.
design teams will be held in Salo and Tampere in Finland, with reductions in other plant in that country as well as in Beijing and San Diego in the U.S..
Microsoft close its studies to create original television to Xbox consoles as part of a restructuring of labor forces.
The company clarified that projects initiated by Xbox Entertainment culminate studies, but the unit created to carry the console utility beyond the gaming world will end in the coming months.
According parts of this information leaked on the internet, the president of Xbox Phil Spencer told his team: “We will continue expanding our offering in the console innovating the television experience through monthly updates” on Xbox One
Ongoing programs include, among others, a documentary about the birth and demise of video game pioneer Atari.
news that Xbox studies emerged Entertainment will close shortly after Microsoft announced in June that sales of its Xbox console One doubled.
This increase is attributed to a selling price of $ 100 less than the original, because the console also sold without the Kinect motion sensor.


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Saturday, July 12, 2014

They manage to install an Android ROM on HTC One L – MovilZona.es

After presenting

Android L , Google launched factory images of Trial 5 for Nexus Nexus 7 . However, the expertise of the Scene developers getting involved with adapting the operating system to the hardware of the Nexus 4. known to exist now that have managed to compile reviewers first port of Android L for HTC One , but the results are still far a functional ROM.

L Android has quickly become, by the rupture posed regarding KitKat, a highly anticipated update system Google . However, if you are not in possession of a Nexus device, GPe version compatible models or G or Motorola Moto Moto X,’ll soon enjoy the new features that will offer the new version. At least if you expect official support. Otherwise, the alternative is underway Scene.

The first non-Nexus Android in having L, although in testimony for now, is the HTC One (M7). As we can see in one of the XDA threads related to this model, developers publish their achievements in this community begin to report the first success with Android L. And the HTC One has been the basis for compiling a ROM Android-based L. Technically could say that the HTC One unofficially has the latest version of Android.  HTC Android One L

However, we clarify that this is a great first step in the Android Scene on L since the ROM is still in a phase of very green development. And we might well say that it is just a notice that the author has already begun adapting Android to HTC One L Actually ROM is a port in very limited functionality alpha phase. And according have detailed, the smartphone takes forever to boot. Moreover, failures are numerous and there is no support for WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, camera and sensor list, except for the GPS wireless connections.

So the ROM currently is a way to test Android L on a smartphone like the HTC One, but knowing that this ROM does not work for minimal functionality for everyday. However, if you are determined to try his luck installation is really simple, at least if you already have root access and recovery alternative in the HTC One If yes, it is just a matter of transferring the ROM as zip file to memory internal phone and attempt to install it through recovery. Have the rest of the details of this process in this link

Source:. Android Beat

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Android Apps running on Windows Phone, not a reality … – The Free Android


No doubt, how Blackberry platforms or Windows Phone does not have a comparable market share to Android. This also results in the number of applications available for each of these platforms.

In the past we saw how we could install Android applications on Blackberry and it seems that soon see also Windows Phone .

We know this thanks to Eldar Murtazin and Evleaks , experts have many tips successful to date. It all started with these tweets :

From the technical point of view is entirely feasible, simply because you would have to adapt the virtual machine that uses Android Running Applications and Dalvik ART in the future

From a strategic point of view it would not be unreasonable either.. Recall that during this year Nokia and pulled Nokia X series , that everything and keep a similar aesthetic to WP these run Android (though not Google Services ).


No doubt WP would be very interested make Android apps corriesen on your OS, and considering that Google pay a lot of money annually for its mobile patents Microsoft property maybe there could be some kind of deal.

Only time will tell, but if we imagine that this happens … what do you think?

Source: Gigaom

Discover how four applications will be on your Android … L – Five Days


during the developer event Google I / O Android was announced L . The inclusion of all kinds of novelties, among which are aesthetic, makes many users want to know in their own terminals how that development will be. We will indicate four applications that let you easily see some of the features that will be heading in the next operating system for mobile devices Google.

It is obviously not possible to obtain the aesthetic appearance of everything now is the trial version of Android L (which is restricted to Nexus from Google), but they offer the possibility to use the new interface of the application dial this work will include and also new navigation icons.

No more, we list the four applications we have chosen so that you can install on your phone, all free , in a simple way and, therefore, without extensive knowledge is need for it.

L Locker Android

This first creation allowed to have the lock screen is the Android game on L, which poses no threat to the operating system as it simply changes its appearance no functionality. Of course, when using the screen by sliding your finger on it is possible to perform actions such as deprotection own phone and also the access Google Search or launch the Camera application. Requires that the target device has Android 2.2 or higher. Download link.


If you want to know how the phone dialer, this is the application you must install. It supports more than thirty languages, among which is evidently the Spanish, and you can change its appearance, because it has different themes , including Android is L (Material Design). The ability to access functionality dragging from right to left is one of his finest details. Need Android 2.1 or higher and this is the link that can be obtained.

L Android Keyboard

The keyboard is one of the features that most used in a mobile terminal, although this may seem strange (Mail, messaging, internet searches, etc..). With this development can be installed which is included in Android on a device with L opertivo 4.0 or higher system . Shows a much cleaner look than the last and must have internet connection to synchronize the dictionary. Download link.


Finally, let an application that offers the possibility to change the icons of the operating system so that they will be Android Game L. offers great compatibility with different Launchers, which is a nice touch, and receive updates constantly. No doubt this is a very interesting option that allows you to change the look of these accessories as well as the user sees it. Download link-you need to have Android 4.0.3 or higher to use it.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Android SDK Auto install an application that allows you … – The Free Android

Android Car

The conference Google numerous innovations, some more appealing as Android and L were others that also deserve mention them, as Android Auto. This new Android operating system designed primarily for cars is the way Google has decided to enter this sector. Apple already did CarPlay , not going to be less of Mountain View.

Google has not wanted to wait for the developers and has released a SDK ( software development kit) Android Auto . With it, developers will be creating applications that can be installed in our car to increase the functionality of this.

But there is a little surprise, inside the “ Testing ” section Page Auto Android SDK we can see as provide an application that simulates Android Auto and can be installed on any Android device . Will have to see at what level of support will, I can not imagine a mobile three years ago running it.

Screenshot 2014 -07-03 to (s) 16.11.15

imagine that this will be so developers can work more comfortable on your Android device, be it a smartphone as a tablet. O well, it can also serve for those who can not afford a car with Android Auto, can use your mobile or tablet as onboard computer . It would be a great move by Google if I could have my Android Mobile Auto and not have to look with envy at those who have.

You have to see the limits will also. For example, in a car Android Auto we can use the car speakers , music volume control from the steering wheel and others. That in the case of our Android device as if the onboard computer, we have to forget about it. Still, we could enjoy many things in Android Auto.

And you, do you think this is a smart way to bring more operating system users