Monday, May 27, 2013

Google stops accepting paid applications in Android Argentine - (Argentina)

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    content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> May 26 Sunday May 26, 2013 | 10:19

    class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology


    The company announced it will no longer accept paid apps in their store Play made in the country, argues local payment problems

    One tablet Nexus 10 and Nexus smartphone 4, both use the Android operating system. Photo: File

    was a surprise Friday afternoon: at that time the local site Gizmodo reported that several developers had applications Argentine received a letter in which Google communicated his decision to stop accepting paid applications made in Argentina for the Play Store (which caters to Android phones).

    Yes you can still post titles in your store at no cost, but paid apps should be removed or modified, to become free-before June 27, or be removed from the inventory. The last shipment of payments due from the sale of software will be on July 22. Applications will not be accepted freemium type, which are offered free but have internal content to sell.

    This does not affect software that has originated in another country but is acquired in Argentina, but to the worldwide sale of applications made in the country, and has to do with paying that Google does to the programmers after collecting his commission from the sale.

    Celularis site reproduces the text-in English-sent to the developers, who do not report the reasons for the decision, but clarified that the company does not rule out returning Argentine accepting applications in your store.

    Google support page for developers, however, is a bit more clear: in the first line of a text devoted specifically to this situation states: “ due to the obstacles that currently exist to make payments Argentina, we will no longer pay to Play Google programmers who are in the country “.

    text abounds in details, but many interpret the decision as associated FX market as purchase transactions and applications royalty payments are made in dollars (the entire operation is processed in the United States). At the same time, no problems to enter these foreign earnings to pay programmers, which increases the unknown.

    alternative beyond the text present on the Google site, is that it is a reorganization of the company’s business strategy.

    Thus, modification of the payment platform of the firm, now called Google Wallet (and exceeds the sale of applications and includes subscriptions and electronic banking) and competes with PayPal imply a new organization that does not include, for now – to Argentina. Only 31 countries are members of this platform, the representatives of Latin America are Mexico and Brazil (Argentina contained in the list until a couple of weeks).

    By the time the news spread, the NATION got no answer from the company’s local subsidiary, though unofficially advanced that it would be a decision to parent, and not something local. Monday is expected to clarify the outlook for local developers. .

    last notes of Technologyía The reinvention of Asus (and all Taiwan) , between PCs and tablets


    26 MAY


    Asus (and all Taiwan), between PCs and tablets

    The company faces changes in the industry in a country marked by the culture of engineering and manufacturing for U.S. companies, but with little experience in the field of innovationía Who would you trust your memories?


    25 MAY

    Who would you trust your memories?

    We took thousands of photos and store but those files can vanish in an instant. One of the simplest and most practical solutions is the backup in the cloud. Here, Dropbox, Drive, Skydrive and iCloudía Lest fails, the backup should be autonomous


    25 MAY


    fails, the backup should be autonomousía E-readers: How to move a Windows disk


    25 MAY

    Mail readers: How to move a Windows disk

    addition, a smartphone from Huawei, a comic online and a keypad for Androidía Despite the times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign


    25 MAY


    times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign

    under U.S. console sales came the Xbox One



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    content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> May 26 Sunday May 26, 2013 | 10:19

    class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology


    The company announced it will no longer accept paid apps in their store Play made in the country, argues local payment problems

    One tablet Nexus 10 and Nexus smartphone 4, both use the Android operating system. Photo: File

    was a surprise Friday afternoon: at that time the local site Gizmodo reported that several developers had applications Argentine received a letter in which Google communicated his decision to stop accepting paid applications made in Argentina for the Play Store (which caters to Android phones).

    Yes you can still post titles in your store at no cost, but paid apps should be removed or modified, to become free-before June 27, or be removed from the inventory. The last shipment of payments due from the sale of software will be on July 22. Applications will not be accepted freemium type, which are offered free but have internal content to sell.

    This does not affect software that has originated in another country but is acquired in Argentina, but to the worldwide sale of applications made in the country, and has to do with paying that Google does to the programmers after collecting his commission from the sale.

    Celularis site reproduces the text-in English-sent to the developers, who do not report the reasons for the decision, but clarified that the company does not rule out returning Argentine accepting applications in your store.

    Google support page for developers, however, is a bit more clear: in the first line of a text devoted specifically to this situation states: “ due to the obstacles that currently exist to make payments Argentina, we will no longer pay to Play Google programmers who are in the country “.

    text abounds in details, but many interpret the decision as associated FX market as purchase transactions and applications royalty payments are made in dollars (the entire operation is processed in the United States). At the same time, no problems to enter these foreign earnings to pay programmers, which increases the unknown.

    alternative beyond the text present on the Google site, is that it is a reorganization of the company’s business strategy.

    Thus, modification of the payment platform of the firm, now called Google Wallet (and exceeds the sale of applications and includes subscriptions and electronic banking) and competes with PayPal imply a new organization that does not include, for now – to Argentina. Only 31 countries are members of this platform, the representatives of Latin America are Mexico and Brazil (Argentina contained in the list until a couple of weeks).

    By the time the news spread, the NATION got no answer from the company’s local subsidiary, though unofficially advanced that it would be a decision to parent, and not something local. Monday is expected to clarify the outlook for local developers. .

    Technologyía The reinvention of Asus (and all Taiwan) , between PCs and tablets


    26 MAY


    Asus (and all Taiwan), between PCs and tablets

    The company faces changes in the industry in a country marked by the culture of engineering and manufacturing for U.S. companies, but with little experience in the field of innovationía Who would you trust your memories?


    25 MAY

    Who would you trust your memories?

    We took thousands of photos and store but those files can vanish in an instant. One of the simplest and most practical solutions is the backup in the cloud. Here, Dropbox, Drive, Skydrive and iCloudía Lest fails, the backup should be autonomous


    25 MAY


    fails, the backup should be autonomousía E-readers: How to move a Windows disk


    25 MAY

    Mail readers: How to move a Windows disk

    addition, a smartphone from Huawei, a comic online and a keypad for Androidía Despite the times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign


    25 MAY


    times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign

    under U.S. console sales came the Xbox One


    class=”temas”> TOPICS TODAY 10 years of teaching FinalConflicto 2013Torneo kirchnerismoElecciones

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  • Sunday, May 26, 2013

    Over 90% of malicious code are directed to Android -

    name=”HOTWordsTxt”> MEXICO CITY (26/MAY/2013.) – In the first quarter, more than 90% of the malicious code on mobile devices addressed the Android operating system, according to the developer of IT security solutions, F-Secure.

    In its Mobile Threat Report, the company notes that there are 149 families of codes designed to attack, of which 91.3% is aimed at Android devices.

    The 8.7% is focused on Symbian, while not new malware detected for other operating systems like iOS, Blackberry and Windows Mobile.

    According to the security advisor at F-Secure Labs, Sean Sullivan, the growth of Android in the market has made this operating system a focus of attack, so consumers now stream applications to their devices are at greater risk.

    “We are in a context where you should take care of the downloads that are made, because there were cases like Stels malware that spreads through spam e-mail arrives, this is a big risk because the final consumer checks his emails on the phone and is permanently at risk of virus, “says the specialist.

    F-Secure notes that the distribution of malicious software in these devices was mainly through applications via spam, with the aim to make fraud or theft of sensitive information.

    The first quarter was an increase of over 144% in the number of threats target mobile devices compared to that reported in the same period of 2012, from 61 families of codes and their variants to 149.

    F-Secure reports that an example of the extensive development of mobile malware is the Trojan Stels, which began to be distributed through fake emails Internal Revenue Service of the United States.

    This, in order to steal confidential information from the device and monetizing through calls to premium numbers.

    Also, the first quarter of 2013 was the scene of the first attacks in mobile environments, after Tibetan human rights activists were concerned with e containing an infected attachment to their Android devices .

    Another case is recorded in India where such fraud was detected based on a false application to the user informing him that he had been shortlisted for a position at a major multinational company and to coordinate with the interview was asked the user a refundable security deposit.

    F-Secure security develops software solutions and services designed to protect the contents flowing through computers and mobile devices for enterprises and end users.

    Saturday, May 25, 2013

    Samsung Galaxy Music is updated to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean - Engadget Mobile

    Samsung , like most successful manufacturer is now, should make the cut to all your clients or potential prospects of Android in the best way possible: updating their devices to the latest version of Android existing.


    badge aside, Samsung is known, above all, to have an infinite variety of models covering virtually all sizes, ranges and dimensions, for example, the low-end compact with your Samsung Galaxy Music. Today we know that Samsung has updated this terminal Jelly Bean Android 4.1.2 .

    4.1.2 update to Android Jelly Bean, which is called S6010XXUBME1 , and is available for the GT-S6010 (which does not have double SIM ) introduces, as more novelty, interface TouchWiz UX Nature from Samsung.

    Recall that this terminal has a 3 inch screen , with QVGA resolution of 240 × 320 pixels, 512 MB of RAM , 4 GB of internal memory, 3MP camera, and Wi-Fi connectivity, Bluetooth 3.0 and WiFi Direct, GPS class=”caps”> and FM Radio. Its battery is 1300 mAh, its dimensions are 110.1 × 59.0 × 12.25 mm and weighs 106.9 grams.

    The update is only available for the GT-S6010 mentioned, we assume that the update for the model with dual SIM come soon .

    Way | GSMA rena
    Engadget Mobile | Samsung Galaxy Music

    Google will suspend payment of Android developers ... -

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    How to sync your Android with a Mac, contacts and calendars -

    Without being extremely difficult, the truth is that in Cupertino do not put it quite easy for anyone who wants or needs to use an iMac or MacBook and carry in your pocket a smartphone Android. But it’s not impossible and I’ll show how you can keep in sync contacts, calendars, photos and files from a different computer with MacOS X. id=”more-145931″/>

    may sight of what they are taking on the Android platform, many loyal fans of the apple company are thinking of trying any of the smartphones like the HTC One, Sony Xperia Z or Samsung Galaxy S4. However, we must recognize that if you have a computer repair Mac gives some we do not know if we can synchronize our data properly as with iTunes and iPhone. Making use of cloud services and some tricks we teach syncing contacts, calendars, different files and other data from an Android device with a computer running MacOS X.

    First contacts. To do this you should first synchronize your phone with your Google account ( Settings> Accounts> Google) . Depues we address the application “Agenda” of MacOS , installed by default in the “Applications” folder. We went into the preferences and choose the tab “ Accounts ” and the “ my Mac “.

    android on mac 2

    In it we see a tab that says “Synchronize with Google ” and press “Set” intruducimos the same Google account you have configured on the phone. You just have to click the sync button that appears on the top bar MacOS desktop and you will have all the contacts synchronized between your phone and computer.

    To synchronize an Android or Google calendar with iCal application , again, enter your preferences from your computer. In them back to the ‘Accounts’ tab but this time click on the symbol “ + ” seen in the lower left corner.

    android on mac 1

    That will open a dialog box where you just have to put the mail and Gmail password and give it to “Create”. Ready, appear in the calendar of the Mac all citations included in your phone and sync every time you include a nueva.En if you have multiple calendars associated with the same account, you can choose which show going on the “ Delegation Preferences> Accounts , once the calendar sync.

    So far this first installment, in the next article discuss how to synchronize the iTunes media library and the photos and other files between your Mac and an Android smartphone.