In a few days Google will begin sending Android 5.0 OTA Lollipop. The hype around this release is large and with good reason as it represents the biggest jump that have given the Mountain View and its mobile operating system.
A very important change collecting a few ideas that were emerging in the older versions with new ones coming to reinforce several messages: Google’s future is in the simplicity and connectivity between different devices. Let’s see what this update keys are
Material Design. <- - More>: mostly visual renewal
For years, Android has had the stigma of design. Not quite keep up and software layers were a patch to cover these gaps. It’s taken years but now, finally, Lollipop is the culmination of what the past year began with KitKat.
A simple, clean interface, where information is a priority on visual elements. All elements are divided into layers according to their rank and the applications we have seen so far with the design guidelines amazed by its simplicity and how well they look.
Here the main reference how could it be otherwise is Google: has adapted all the applications that come by default in the system for adjust to the new design lines . The other developers are doing it slowly and although there are some “optimized” applications do not always meet all the criteria.
Notifications as we light the
As we light the screen we see everything has changed to such simplification smartphone or tablet. Notices have suffered a facelift, we now default to the unlock screen so we can access the respective applications more quickly.
Power Controls better organized
The notification bar also renews and now energy controls and alerts for each app own two different panels is not clogged sorted in . Small changes that reinforce the message of wanting to make easier the system and the order of items on the screen.
When you remove your finger to drift notifications will leave you alone. A new finger gesture will make power controls appear. Better use of space as shown only as needed. On small screens is something that should be noticed much.
Floating Notifications
When we enter certain background processes, such as a call, we have a notification pop will allow us to pick up the phone without closing what we were doing. Very useful if we had a full screen application like a game or if you are using hands-free at the time and we do not want to jump directly to the app.
Besides the slight redesigns, we find quite significant changes in some applications, especially in Google services like GMail. I recently saw how was the redesign and change compared to the current version KitKat is substantial.
It’s not the only course the settings menu, Hangouts, the dial to make calls … There are many changes together, of course, to the icons of different applications. Now it remains to be seen whether developers and other manufacturers are used to this way of understanding Android.
The default key is renewed
Google does not want to lose the race to developers specialized keyboards like Swiftkey or Swype and renews the default one with a new interface that eliminates lines between keys and adjusts Lollipop style. Simpler and hoping to be a good competitor.
Tap & amp; Go
Want to make a copy at the time from another device? Tap & amp; Go allows us to make it through NFC. When we are setting up a mobile or new tablet, we can approach it one that we have already configured to send all information and save a little time when you do a backup.
An Android to unite all
For a while now Android is not just a territory for mobile devices. Google has spent years trying to get into the TV and retry passes Android TV with devices like the Nexus Player. Ask our smart TV through this platform content and applications available on Google Play.
To this we must add Android Wear as a platform to help manufacturers produce Android devices and wearables the car. Lollipop want unify the experience between devices as disparate to give continuity to our use and not have to worry about configuring anything.
Android to the conquest of the TV and the car
So far as I have seen with palpable smartphones and tablets but it remains to be seen whether Google has the muscle to get our cars and TVs. Two areas that are not exactly easy since both all committed to their own standards and rarely produces a common agreement.
The most interesting of this unification, plus interfaces adapted for each, is found in the efforts being made by Google so that our actions jump from one screen to another by providing the information we need in each and transparently to not worry about having to get you started in one place or other.
Preparing for the 64-bit
Every year we have a new generation of processors and although we have seen a small preview of what’s to come with the Snapdragon 615 Qualcomm or the new K1 Tegra Clearly shortly start seeing more 64-bit chips mobile phones and tablets.
Android 5.0 Lollipop comes with support for these processors and now remains to be seen if are able to make a difference to the architectures we’ve seen so far. Better or worse performance? Some like the Nexus 9 and to suggest ways in the benchmark.
Dalvik To view hi ART
Another important change is found in the virtual machine. Android Dalvik goodbye , now converted ART in the default operating system. One goal of this change involves simplifying the system architecture and streamline the operating system.
The difference between the two is found in how the code is executed. In Dalvik always made at the time that was needed (JIT Compiler) while ART is done before the user need (AOT Compiler) to improve the user experience and the system will more fluid.
Performance Comparison between ART and Dalvik. Via Android Police.
Another key aspect of system optimization is Project Volta , better use of the battery to make the most use. This will also come with enhanced autonomy (ART indeed be key here) and the possibility of having a saving mode regardless of whether you enter the manufacturer.
optimized Face Recognition
Android has gained a reputation as a focus to attract malware to mobile devices. The truth is that Google has been improving in this area to allow fewer malicious applications and warn users over the dangers by requiring permits apps when installed.
We Lollipop a few new features designed to make our most secure terminal. From the outside, the most remarkable change is found in recognition systems . So far we have not seen any Android device with a good fingerprint sensor style TouchID but new ways that Google offers us to unlock our androids are very attractive.
The face recognition system has been renovated and is now more complex and useful earlier. Instead of taking a picture and analyze it, this time he will do in Google named as “ on going basis “. That is, to make an active and more complex reading to detect faster and efficient if it is us or not. It remains to see if it is effective or if you can still avoid using photographs.
A wearable to unlock your phone
A current modes must now add type release Proximity Bluetooth devices . Think of any watch with a bracelet or Android Wear activity paired with the phone. If Android detects it is close enough, it will allow us to unlock the screen.
The system is well posed because the devices connected by Bluetooth that we usually close our phone or tablet. It is also a well-considered As if we rob or we lose. Again, it remains to be seen how effective it is.
Share Your Android with others
In previous versions of Android, we saw that the multiaccounting support reached the tablets. Now we also have it on smartphones and allow us to set up different user profiles applications, accounts and various data including
Not only that, we also have a guest mode that can be configured with a few applications to what we pay for a moment to other persons. Well posed to gossip to keep our personal information.
Security Enhanced Linux
In a deeper way, we find the use of Security Enhanced Linux . For the user this means fewer concerns in security applications that attempt to make malicious use of our data. Not a shield with 100% effectiveness but will strengthen the system.
Your role is to have a environment sandboxing to limit access to applications with potential compromise the security of your mobile. It is not only useful for the end user, it is also an attractive tool for corporate environments that want to integrate Android as a professional tool.
Default Encryption on device
Finally we find a default encryption . Encrypt data with a secure key is not new to Android, has now since a few versions, but this is the first time you come activated from the first minute in the new terminal. For those coming from KitKat have to activate the option manually once they have upgraded to Lollipop.
The bloatware on Google Play, no default
Are you fed you all these applications installing operators and manufacturers defect? Yes, these are updated through proprietary platforms. Lollipop With just this: all apps preinstalled by third parties may be deleted or updated through Google Play . It is a step forward rather important facing a more unified and less troublesome for users Android.
Photography, RAW mode and better photos
The API camera comes with some very interesting news on Android 5.0 Lollipop. Now you can shoot photos in RAW and have greater manual control of parameters such as exposure time, ISO speed or burst type. The chosen format is DNG and will gradually reaching applications for editing.
So far as we could see some samples to compare with respect to a JPEG. In addition to editing, Google says it will also have improved aspects such as noise reduction, better lighting, less saturated colors … We’ll see how it influences the evolution of smartphone cameras.
When my phone will update Lollipop?
It is certainly the question most often is already listening on the Android world. When is Android 5.0 update my Lollipop ?. Engadget Android have prepared a full list of all devices that manufacturers have already announced they will update software. Some earlier, Motorola, Samsung or LG or others to be like Sony or HTC 2015.