Saturday, November 1, 2014

How will our life with Android in 5 years? – The Android Free

 our-life day-to five-year-kai

It seems that Android is left long way to go, and that all this is but the beginning of a revolution that began with mobile devices, and now accompanies us everywhere: in our car, on the wrist, with television in glasses … even will end reaching the corners of our home thanks to the Internet of things.

And it’s hard to predict the future, actually, but let’s try a little imagination to get our crystal ball and mention to what could be a day our lives within five years in the first person , in a packed with technology and Android future. Would you make this journey apuntáis us?

 coffee morning

  • In the morning, nothing better than A little automation : wake with a combination of music and color LED lighting, take a shower, get dressed, and go down to take breakfast which has been underway in the kitchen while doing the above. And before you leave home, let’s not forget our lenses and guard your phone in your pocket , we will need them all day.

Google- glas-and-car

  • We are fortunate that our company, agency news (for example), is beginning to experiment with this in the autonomous cars, so we have one at our door to take us to the office. While we’re in the car, we have all the time in the world to use Android Auto and catch up on what has happened in the world while listening to some music.

    We stopped the car to take us to our destination safely (although we can control driving, the machines are not yet perfect) despite the fact that Google Maps has advised us that we change the path for a road works.


  • At the end of the trip we made short, despite the detour, and touches us meeting with the boss and a few comrades. We connect to the company intranet with our tablet and we catch up at that meeting.

    All information has been said becomes available for all with Google Accounts and sync almost instantly , so we have the luxury to relax a bit and pay less attention than we should: the holiday we had in a few days take almost all our mind, and we go to our table as we have been

  • In the morning continue without removing the head the idea of ​​the holiday, and a break to go for another coffee we decided that it is the Now Google searches for the best deals and rooms, and even let us take a virtual visit to the hotel room by a Street View Indoor: ideal place to buy all you need time. We buy everything with a voice command and entering our password on the phone, and handles Now add reminders and calendar events for us.


  • It looked like it was going to be a quiet day after the biggest risk we ran today was overeating as Google Fit, but in the end it will be the opposite: newsflash on the outskirts of the city , a train derailed with some injuries of low severity, and our turn to go to the scene.

    We go almost with nothing to drive, select the landmark we’ve just go to the mobile, and the car is started for us.

 Car-POV - + - Google+

  • One thing that has not changed is the immediacy that information acquired through social networks, so nothing better than take this time to go into them and see what is happening in real time. Thanks to the witnesses, their smartphones and glasses have images and videos of the event, so we can go mentalizándonos and planning all the way to the place.


  • The bad thing is that the police closed the main access to the site of facts, to avoid the inconvenience of the curious, and leave us as journalists to access, so we have to find another way to get the news. This is where the lenses come into play: hitherto done nothing but give us transcendental notices the time and received messages, but now give us a map with directions on Google Maps how to stroll through secondary routes .

    As can Google users Glass, but with the power of small, unobtrusive lenses, and our Android Wear clock that syncs with all your devices to operate voice commands.


  • We ended up coming, and this is when our real work starts: take pictures with your smartphone, interview witnesses and even involved using the microphone … in short, try to get the news that our readers (and our boss) look.

    Meanwhile, thanks to the lenses, will receive the latest information on our retinas : the statements of the driver that is in the hospital, a statement from the railway authorities and even got to use … the speech dictated to spend our editor a draft newsflash on the ground, that and all the material that we have taken and synchronized with the server of the agency automatically.


  • While we are in the car back to the office, advantage and make a video call with the team that brings this news : each has their progress rapidly and returns to his job, so now we can get an idea what we do when we arrive.

    And when we got to the office again when we can write the full story on a keyboard of truth, and ending up with a job well done that will continue with the companions of the night shift.

 Ocean Pacific

This would be our day, but how yours would be in five years?


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