Friday, November 7, 2014

Microsoft Office is now free on iOS and Android – unocero




 Microsoft Office is now free on iOS and Android Microsoft has a product that, over the years, continues to be recognized and used by people all over the world for work, study and even perform tasks entertainment. This Office, which as of today and in a surprise move, becomes free for iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones.

The application for platforms listed, which consists of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, used to have restrictions if desired edit files created with these programs; for this you need to have a subscription to Office 365 and register compatible devices.

However, in the field of consumer, this seems to be a strategy that is not therefore operate despite have limitations, there are a wide variety of replacement options that Mobile Office are free.

So Microsoft needed to change that to a free model for people to continue to find attractive to use Word, Excel or PowerPoint instead of a similar app.

For business users with paid accounts will continue to be necessary to maintain the subscription to use mobile apps Office which, incidentally, have some “premium” tools. However, for the standard user, the free version should be more than enough.

Meanwhile, the recent announcement of integration between Office and Dropbox is also an incentive for the people can remain productive without necessarily using OneDrive of Microsoft to store content in the cloud.

Another ad that was made is that it is being tested the beta version of Office for Android tablets, space productivity suite has more opportunities to develop due to the larger screen with these devices

 Android Tablet Office

The application looks just like the iPad version, and according to Microsoft this is because it has developed code that is more flexible and “like” in some way between the versions of iOS, Android and Windows, enabling update functions on all platforms where available .

Similarly a new iPhone version incorporates most of the capabilities of the iPad app was created, making it much more functional software for the small screen of the Apple smartphone.

Those wishing to register for the program assessment of Office for Android tablets can do this Link . Furthermore, to download the stable and free version of Office you can follow these links: Android / iOS ( Word / Excel / PowerPoint )

Reference:. Microsoft



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