Thursday, May 1, 2014

Customize your Galaxy S5 for your Android looks similar to a … –

While someone confirm whether or not there will be a Google Play S5 Galaxy Edition with stock Android installation or, failing that, a tutorial that allows us to put his version of a Nexus 4.4.2 5, play up to the idea of we’ll have to live with Touchwiz time. And why in this smartphone, Samsung has stopped meter lot and it shows in terminal performance .

But if despite all this you still want your brand new Galaxy S5 is more like a Nexus 5 , we must tell you that you have a choice, something homemade, but it can give you the feeling when you handle it that you’re working with Android ‘mondo and lirondo’ of those designing the Mountain View. And to achieve this you have to meet these six simple steps. Look.



DOWNLOAD from Google Play Store the ‘Google Calendar’ application and use it by default, sending the memory lane which comes standard with your Galaxy S5. Now every time you look at a date or something, have that ‘feeling’ Nexus before your eyes.




Same will happen with the keyboard. Removes the default brings the Samsung Galaxy S5 and put that of Google, just like the painting of the Nexus and it sounds the same way when you press the keys. Oh, and feel how to play the spacebar so distinctive that other little sound is heard. Do you hear it now?

Use Hangouts for SMS


nonnegotiable to S5 looks like a Nexus is to read and write your SMS through Hangouts . Now, we know that since there is WhatsApp that of ‘texting’ passed away. But if you get one, you keep the touch ‘stock Android’ is good.

Install a ‘launcher’


Essential to this facelift ‘Nexus’ your Galaxy S5 a custom launcher . You can find several on Google Play Store as the images that you have above: Nova Launcher and Apex. Of course, for the package is complete, Google will be missing Now (you have the link below).

Live Wallpaper ‘Beam’


What will already looking rather more like a Nexus? If you want to give and that touch (almost) final, will have to get off this famous anime ‘Beam’ in red wallpaper, which you have the link below.

Camera Google


Finally, as you know, Google published a few days ago in the Play Store official camera app its Nexus so you know what you have to do. I the you go down and from that time that You use only, without looking at the Samsung officer with his HDR photos and videos in real time, variable focus, effects, 4K video, etc..

Now that you have done everything, your Galaxy S5 looks a Nexus

Source: Google Now Launcher (apk) / Sun Beam Live Wallpaper

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