The issue of security and malware on Android is like a boomerang : always comes back. The latter return of boomerang has been characterized by the recommendation by uninstalling Google Aptoide of our devices, citing security issues with this application. The truth is that it is not the first problem that Google with the application repository as it was removed from the Google Play Store almost two years ago.
This recurring problem Android only be fought with the wisdom of users
Therefore, and taking advantage of this situation, we recall once again what should be an obvious truth, but for many it is not. Android It is safe as long as you’re within safety limits . In fact, Android is safer than iOS , but of no use if safety is the system itself is violated by the most vulnerable point of entry, users. Of course, each user is free to do what you want with your smartphone or tablet, but each must be responsible for their own actions
An example:. Imagine that you are is a ski resort. The organization in charge of the station puts limits, circuits, where can circulate freely for minimize the risk . This is what Google does with its Play Store, controlling at all times the applications that have under his coat. However, if you decide “off-piste”, ie downloading pirated apps from unknown sources, decide to run the risk is yours and yours alone.
Instwogram, an application safely out of Google Play. An oasis in a desert.
Of course, exist outside of Google Play apps that are pretty good, but do not mean that. We refer to applications that have not been checked by anyone, that are uploaded by suspicious sources and can contain malware , and even applications last link are likely to take risks, as well as those specific to Google Play, but risk in the latter is infinitely inferior
The piracy of applications in Android does not benefit anyone. everyone loses.
As my partner said Antonio Saban piracy is seriously affecting Android application developers, but even if you do not mind these developers to hack applications that you run the risk you are. Whether risk of reading your private SMS, accessing your contacts list, they can peruse application data … That is, that the hack not only tease applications developers or yourself, but to your own contacts , which have entrusted their personal data on your smartphone.
At this point of the article might be thinking that this is just a trick more to “make you pay for apps “and think you know more than those who have Android malware, because you have that page you recommended your friend where you always find that application without paying a penny, but think about it. In Google Play Store, as in iTunes for iOS or Windows Store for Windows Phone, there are people 24 hours a day analyzing applications with tools to detect if there is any type of malware, whereas in these pages no one, no “police” is controlling the activity.
Would you be able to analyze hundreds of lines for each application to install?
The only way we could detect if a downloaded by a route other than Play Store application is harmful or not for your smartphone or tablet, is analyzing online per line all the code that contains that application , hoping to find something that does not fit, and in this case we assume you’re an expert in code, something that most people are not. Scares a lot knowing that anyone could download and compile an app, add a number of lines containing malware, recompiling and upload it to one of these pages, hoping that victims begin to fall .
Install an antivirus also consumes RAM and resources. In short, they are useless
And here we go to the other end of the scale. Applications within the own Google Play and that a “small fee” promise to protect those same virus who terrorized for years your computer with Windows or OS X. Although as we said previously, we will repeat again: Android antivirus are useless . Trust security systems has Google and do not think for downloading this application are safe, because in the end, the best antivirus is common sense when downloading applications .
This dual problem of Android might come from its nature as open or simply by the fact that some people only look for chaos system, but that does not matter anymore, not when Android has that stigma of “freedom” which not suit you dispose of 100%. What matters is that Android is safe as Adrian Ludwig, chief safety engineer in Android, but the real question here is if you decide to stay in the garden of Google or prefer to try their luck outside he explains. Spoiler Alert : probably you go worse off it
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