Sunday, April 20, 2014

Special Best Multitasking Apps for enhancing ... - The Free Android

Android multitasking multitasking

The Evolution of Mobile passed by rising screens, especially in high-end devices. This has reached the point that multi-window becoming a really important value , which would rule until recently.

In this regard, the LG G Flex has included Aside function Slide , which allows us to move between three different apps by swiping three fingers. This LG aims to accelerate in a more direct way to switch between applications that we are using at any given time.

lg g flex 2

Another function added function is adding Dual Screen , which allows from the screen into two windows to handle two different types of content simultaneously . This begins to make sense on mobile multitasking.

lg g flex

But it does not end the matter, but there is another utility where we can overlay over other windows , so that the feeling of multitasking is completely real. In fact, we could make a list of some of the applications on multitasking hitherto existed in the market . In this way we could nombar some :

An application published in this month that shows recent applications shaped cards with previews of them, being able to navigate, sliding close them down or enter them directly

Fancy switcher2

Requires Android 4.0 +

Version: 1.4

Size: 6.1 M

OmniSwitch is the new multitasking as developed by OmniROM floating window, which would default on their ROMs. But this utility has been so highly valued, that have been extracted to port it to other devices.

capture -omnisnitch-1

This application, the same creator of Siderbar or Roundr allowed by sliding from one side of the screen, pass between the applications you have open , ie, similar to how is passed between tabs in Chrome.

switcher 2

Requires Android 2.1 and later versions

Version: 3.83

Size: 5.6 M

Loopr is an application that handles show differently multitasking of our device. Just slide from one side of the screen , show us a Loopr arc around our finger with the applications we have in multitasking. Everything at your finger.


Requires Android 2.2 and higher

Version: 1.0.202

Size: 2.0 M

A developer XDA has managed porting multiwindow function OmniROM for all Android devices root and have installed Xposed Framework.


PSwitchApps help us enhance our multitasking on Android. This is based on a small icon is permanently displayed in our screen and can move to any of this. This icon we access SwitchApps multitasking.


Requires Android 2.2 and higher

Version: 1.3.5

Size: 1.3 M


Finally, we mentioned the new app MultiTasking, an app whose operation is really simple: the application leave us a hidden menu on the left (the style Drawer Navigation used in Android ). With swipe menu we can see that looking at all the things we can do with the application.


However, there is some criticism because the application is still far from perfect . The windows do not jump to the forefront when selected, which means having to resize and minimize if we hide it. A point in favor of the application is that we store the size and location on the screen.

also be noted that each multitasking seems to own, because the browser does not Chrome is, no YouTube or window, for example.

But while not perfect, is a very new and promising application. In addition, the application works very good with new launcher of Google Now, although we have to get used to the swipe gesture from the left. This is certainly an application with great potential, especially in the case of 10-inch tablets.

multitasking 2

The application is Available on Google Play March 2 , with an average of 4 out of 5 on their ratings.

Requires Android 2.3 and higher

Version: 1.11

Size: 2.1 M

As conclusion , only is left to say area multitasking is something that is still in operation and growth , but increasingly we find more applications for it (not just on this list, but many other Moreover, as for example here).

But is the solution a third party application? How Android is updated with any of these features?

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