Sunday, August 28, 2016

Held first meeting of the Android community in Cuba – CubaNet

HAVANA, Cuba.- On Saturday afternoon the first meeting of Cuban Android community was held under the slogan ” for a technology accessible to all “culture. fans gathered operating system developers Google and some Cubans applications. The main objective was to show the work that has been done the Cuban blog TuAndroid, main organizer of the event, to promote technology education in the use of mobile devices with Android operating system.

The event took out in the studios of artist Kcho and several projects in Cuba as “? Island in: where we” were presented, “Community Open Street map, mapping Cuba” and applications “EnTuMovil”, “Qvacall” among others.

About 12:30 pm the activity began with a brief intervention of the artist Alexis Leyva (Kcho), who denounced the “technological blockade against Cuba” by the United States and said the importance of Cubans applications developers. “The applications that are made from Cuba it is a way of intelligently lead against the blockade,” he said.

Kcho, an artist who has the backing of the ruling coalition, has the Google + Kcho.Mor study , the only one of its kind in Cuba, where the Internet only 5% of the population has Internet access.

TuAndroid, is a blog with domain names .cu founded by Jorge Noris Martinez on 17 December 2014, which has managed to bring many Cubans to the Android operating system on the island. Noris continued with a brief explanation of the goals for the blog.

“In our country it is difficult to access Internet so it is not known of the existence of many applications, features and tutorials. TuAndroid main objective is to provide information and training for Cubans to achieve greater technological culture “.

The event also was attended by Phillip Ortel, Google Play engineer who moved to Silicon Valley to participate. Ortel gave a lecture on the safety and benefits of the Android operating system, and applications. After the conference finished shared experiences and opinions with members of the Cuban Android community. The engineer was surprised by the creativity and inventiveness by Cubans seeking solutions despite the low rate of Internet connectivity that has the island.

At the end, members of repairers mobile phones as Ultracell, offered free services rooteo , update and repair, some participants only attended for services for free.

Yohana Hernandez, a young woman who was attending the event, said “I heard about this event happen. And I came because I noticed that were repairing mobile phones for free. I do not know what the Android community in Cuba and do not think that interests me a lot. What I want is to do a update to my phone, fun version two to four. Any particular street charges $ 10 to $ 15 to do that job, luxury I can not give “

When asked why he did not use the Wi-fi place answered us.: “the wi-fi that exists in Kcho studies is of little use. You can not even chat, which is the least bandwidth consumed. “

Organizers as Noris and Kcho they described the meeting as a success, adding that they will continue working hard to promote greater technological culture and a preference for the operating system giant Google. “There is still much to be done” was the phrase most heard by the speakers.


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