Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Nougat Android 7.0 unofficially comes to Raspberry Pi 3 – wwwhat’s new? (Blog)

For now Android 7.0 Nougat is available for a few mobile devices, but thanks to the action of the developer community, and open ecosystem of Android, the new version of mobile operating system Google is coming unofficially to other devices models phones that take longer in the market and input have no choice but to have the new version of Android officially.

This is the case of the Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Nexus in July 2013, and even OnePlus One and some tablets Samsung.

in addition to these devices, which in this day is drawing attention is the unofficial port of Android 7.0 for Raspberry Pi 3 carried out by Peter Yoon, known Android developer to bring the familiar TV mini computer, among other works.

Now, keep in mind that it is an unofficial version and therefore will not offer an experience like that would be offered if Google had launched a specific version for Raspberry Pi 3 something that was rumored for some time, and on the other hand, it is not a stable release, so it may contain errors.

it is interesting that in the case of Microsoft, the company does support a Raspberry Pi 3 via Windows 10 IoT Core, so the unofficial port of Android 7.0 Nougat can serve as a warning to signal to Google that you could do more with Android 7.0 having it available for other types of devices, especially considering that some of the features indicated operating system can be functional on desktop computers, as may be the multi-window support or the ability to split the screen, as indicated from SlashGear.

in any case, it is possible that from now on we will see more unofficial progress on Android 7.0 Nougat, allowing reach more devices , and who knows if other types of gadgets.


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