iPhone 6 eat slowly Android quota ??p>
This is confirmed by a survey of U.S. users. And according to the results of such a survey, in a few years, Apple devices will override the Android platform.
This is due primarily to users of the company, as many of you already know, have a higher loyalty than users of other platforms. With this, the launch of the next iPhone 6 could mark a before and after in the mobile world.
To be more specific, we say that such a survey was conducted a total of 16000 users. In this first asked about smartphones being used today.
About half of users said they had an Android phone, and only 30% said owning an iPhone. So does the iPhone 6 could mark a before and after, if you currently sells Android platform more?. The answer is very simple.
91% of current iPhone owners confirmed that the new terminal would still Apple , while the “faithful” of Android were 76% .
addition, 24% of users surveyed currently have an Android terminal platform said they would change, and this 24%, 18% said they would buy the new iPhone in June.
So if this “trend” aims for more years in U.S. users, it could be argued that Apple “over” to Android market share if we talk.
really interesting report, although not very reliable as consumer tastes may vary significantly in time. For now we’ll have to wait for the release of the new iPhone 6 to know with certainty the success of the new terminal Apple .
now, and like most times we do in this kind of items, we would like to see first hand what our readers think about it.
iPhone sales actually exceed the large market share that Android currently has?
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