Saturday, April 27, 2013

Jelly Bean is still alive: Google working on Android 4.3 - The Android Free

Blackberry-Jelly-Bean It seems that gearing up for the Google I / O have been many who we assumed that Android 5.0 is present in the most important event of the year for the green robot system. But after recent findings made by some users and some media have spread, Google continue to develop their Jelly Bean version 4.3. Something that would be news if confirmed somewhat disconcerting.

finding itself has been found traces of system information in the server logs of Android Police. Specifically seen that Android had a compilation of the numbering wearing JWR23B Android 4.3 on a Nexus 7. This means that Google is working on renewing the current version of Jelly Bean. This applies both to continue with the current numbering as standard because Android compilations always begin with the letter code name, in this case the J of Jelly Bean.

android 4.3 Although the server logs can be easily falsified to show this type of information, it has gone a little further in that particular investigation, and is that sometimes users are pretty tough with these things. has traced the origin of those users visitors, giving as a starting point two IP ranges coming from Google employees. Specifically employees who have much to do with Android development and have also previously participated in other Android leaks.


be just a curious finding, since there is no official confirmation, it seems fairly certain that there will be Jelly Bean 4.3 in view of the data. But still no end to make it clear what will happen in the next Google I / O. Historically there has been a new version in each event and this news could mean that this year may be an exception or not. Currently Lime Pie should be in their final testing phase , but perhaps confirming what some media have been rumored to give more time to developers to adopt Jelly Bean.

is clear, and always repeat, that one of the biggest drags on Android is segmentation, and Jelly Bean distributed approximately 25% of devices currently , maybe it is a good strategy to adapt a new version of JB, which is easier to adapt in the face of manufacturers and application developers. Either way we will be looking for what is happening. As usual always have concrete runways when the remainder for the Google I / O, which is when the leaks will appear.

Via Android Police

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