Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chrome applications could reach iOS and Android - ALT1040

Google launch early next year a package of tools that facilitate the conversion of Chrome apps to run on both Android and iOS year.

Chrome apps
By Jorge Valero

December 4, 2013, 17:14

Google is working on a package of tools designed to adapt applications to be functional in Chrome for Android and iOS devices. The aim of Google would help developers to port their existing applications to have a greater impact on these two mobile platforms.

possible adaptation of applications Chrome has come to light thanks to the GitHub repository where Michal Mocny, a software developer of Google Chrome Mobile Apps published and a set of documents that shed some light on what it is that Google would seek to facilitate both work . Apparently this was only the beginning and allow a very simple way that an application could be ported to other platforms. Windows, OSX, Linux and Chrome OS

toolkit deposited GitHub allows developers to create native applications hybrid between iOS and Android using polyfills through Apache Cordova. The changes affect the correction of errors from the design to the application of the limitations of each platform.

2014 could be the year that browsers take a leading role.

initial requirements for this adaptation of applications suggest that Android Chrome 4.x will be needed but Cordova could also work with Android 2.2 and 2.3, for Apple, supported by iOS is still under TBA but the development has already begun.

The project is very interesting and is confirmation of Google’s bid for mobile applications, as confirmation of the great Android operating system able to enter each section of our lives is that the acceptance data Android are, in some countries, very striking.


Joe Marini, Developer of Google, the first development kit could be ready early next year but Google has chosen not to comment. Of course, a source close to the company confirmed that some developers can now test this tool even today is not ready to be published in an official form.

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Jorge Valero

Bachelor in Communication Studies, passionate about video editing and sound. I love writing and I am addicted to social networks. Fan Photo, the world mac and technology. And besides, I’m something geek. More articles by this author »
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