Nothing attracts me as much as technology. header image made my hair stand on end when Google announced Android @ Home project. I’m still waiting.
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devices work together, creating unimaginable possibilities actions or love me years ago. Precisely why Android hooked me so much, because I saw he had potential in that direction, and the truth is that it has done nothing but go there.
Home automation is a field that has existed for years, but has not proliferated due to high establishment costs. To reduce these costs, need the whole set of household devices smarter, working in a complementary way. Thanks to the smartphone, we are now much closer to that ideal. And best of all, it is not only limited to the automation. Let’s see what they are capable and our smartphone.
Thanks to the combination of 3 of the most powerful applications across Android, today we will see that a smartphone is already able to control many things and complex behaviors. On the one hand we have the functionality as attractive Google Voice Search , which offers various actions using voice commands and Google Glass. On the other hand we Tasker, one of the most powerful, most veteran applications and also more complex Android , capable of countless actions based on conditions. And we package the trio Xposed Framework, which allows the root user to add extra functionality modules to Android, often from other ROMs.these 3 applications, and “a little” banter can achieve everything. Mr. João Dias (developer plugin for Tasker of autovoice) has been that has combined these three tools, getting goals like this video.
At first glance it does not seem too spectacular, just reply or respond to our request. last updated Tasker allows you to receive voice commands using the plugin autovoice. Xposed Framework handles searches on Google listen and turn them into commands Now or conditions for Tasker. The key is that it is thanks voice commands are unlimited unlimited actions can relate to by Tasker. And the thing, as you can guess, does not end here. Below you will see a demonstration of the possibilities.
another man, Armando Ferreira, has shown clear examples of useful apps with this set of tools. Of course, other components that appear here have not mentioned, such as hardware elements for connecting the light, the popcorn machine and lock our local network so that they can respond to instructions from our Android application. Obviously, this is not 1-click-to-X. The result is, but requires a careful setup and preparation. Solo work involves Tasker enough patience. Anyway, I very much excited to see what is already an Android capable. If we think of the Moto X or Nexus 5, we can run all this without even touching the phone.
I see it as the future functions. Although now smartphones are already capable of that and more , society (and it included companies) adapts very slowly again. Knowing that it is possible, I believe that I spend at least five years before you run this same application without complications for an end user, and that is what saddens me. If you are adventurous and want to move forward a few years, you can find the tools in our source. Do not forget you will need to be root to Xposed Framework.
Via: AndroidPolice
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