FireChat released its first version a month ago and was released exclusively for the Apple iOS system.
past two weeks became one of the most social networking applications downloaded on the App Store.
From now on, the tool may also be obtained for free on Google Play and Android users will have their service to communicate between them through direct link between your devices, without having access to 3G networks, 4G or Wi-Fi.
“was an instant success. FireChat came from 10 most downloaded applications of social network in 80 countries, adding more than one user per second, “said the director Micha Benoliel, CEO of Open Garden, developer of the app.
FireChat is ideal for areas with little coverage or where networks are saturated application, something common in Argentina.
allows individual communication and group, and follow the general discussion and occurring within 10 meters. According to the developers, generates a low battery consumption.
The application uses
Multipeer Connectivity Framework (MCF), a structure that is created with various mobile devices via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
One of the great advantages of FireChat is that not only allows the connection between two people, but each team has installed the antenna acts as a network, extending its scope to add more participants to a conversation.
This makes the devices used to connect FireChat at a distance of about 30 meters, making it clear that it is not a substitute for applications like WhatsApp, Telegram or any other capable of allowing conversation between users anywhere in the world.
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