Google held this week at the Silicon Valley its biggest annual meeting, conferences for developers I / O , which announced its based strategy in changes in its operating systems Android and Chrome OS , virtual reality and the launch of a home virtual butler and an instant messenger to compete with WhatsApp .
About Chrome OS reported that devices with this operating system, such as laptop computers, have access to the app store Google Play and can run natively many applications designed for Android phones.
support for these programs come between September and December but developers who want to try this option can already do in some models Chromebooks selected by the company .
Some of the applications will have to adapt to take advantage of this support, because not all Chromebook equipment, for example, have touch screen and the screen resolution and format are different which is used on phones.
Developers can choose between three types of window size different to implement the programs and the operating system will offer the same notification system that now have Android phones.
the market for Chromebooks grows in the education sector, thanks to its low price and ease of maintenance .
for example, in the United States sale exceeded for the first time the teams Mac in the first quarter of 2016.
the main manufacturers of these devices, Asus, HP and Lenovo , managed to sell more than two million units during the first three months of the year.
instant Competition
messaging instant Internet giant has several applications which will add soon have two new names. Allo and Duo
Presented during the worldwide developers conference, these applications are available for both Android phones and for the operating system competition, iOS, and could become a rival for WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger .
Allo is a messaging application that allows you to speak both with other people and groups.
in addition to text messages that can be sent in different font sizes to indicate the excitement level, supports the use of “stickers” or stickers , small drawings that can accompany the messages.
it is distinguished from the competition for the opportunity to speak not only with others but also with Google assistant , the new virtual assistant company (more about it later in this note).
This is a software capable of responding to natural language and will allow, for example, find information on the network without leaving the conversation.
The artificial intelligence Google also suggest rapid response to messages.
For example, if the caller sends a photo of a puppy, Allo suggest phrases like “ oh, how nice ” or “what is your name?” that can be sent with one touch.
Messages are sent encrypted from the server to the participants.
There will be an incognito to encrypt messages point to point and will not save the conversation history .
Messages in this mode can be set to be visible only for a limited time.
The second program, Duo , will focus on the video call even when the connection quality is low, or when the user switch between Wi-Fi coverage and telephone network.
Virtual Reality
Android N is an operating system based on performance, productivity and security, with encryption of files all phone , constant updates that stop relying on operators and manufacturers, and division of the “framework” into subsystems.
The aim of these changes is that phones faster, save more battery and are much safer .
The vice president in charge of virtual reality of Google, Clay Bavor , presented DayDream , the virtual reality platform for the new version of Android.
Bavor showed a sketch of VR helmet , which will also have a command with “touchpad” and direction sensor.
DayDream aims to become the cheapest way to powerful systems like Oculus or HTC Vive alternative, although still not known price or release date.
The platform will be pre-installed on all phones compatible with virtual reality and also come with applications and virtual reality games.
Among the applications that Bavor highlighted are Play Movies, Photos, YouTube and Street View , and media and video platforms, like The New York Times, HBO , Netflix, Hulu or IMAX , among others.
Virtual Butler
The company also introduced a new product, an intelligent speaker, Google Home , bound a new virtual assistant that responds to the generic name Google assistant .
The company offered some years Google Now , with search results more personal or relevant depending on the context in which the user is.
with Assistant, the company opens the door to full conversations with a program of artificial intelligence can generate responses much more complete and complex.
An example used in the scenario is the possibility of asking what movies are projected in cinemas nearby, modify responses by asking only those that are suitable for children and even buy entries simply by asking the wizard .
“It is our vision of the near future,” he said Sundar Pichai , president of Google, during the conference.
However, Assistant begin providing these answers conversational this year on multiple devices, from phones and tablets equipped with Android to products CC or Android TV .
at home the best way to interact will be Google Home , very similar to Echo device Amazon but, according to the company, will have access to a platform interpretation most advanced natural language intelligent speaker.
the small speaker has pear-shaped and an interchangeable base, will be integrated with other Google services, including calendars and maps.
With it will be possible, for example, change the reservation in a restaurant or request a route for car using natural language.
In the case of navigation directions, Assistant can send results directly to your phone or vehicle .
Home may notify the user when it detects, for example, a delay in a flight scheduled the calendar or the cancellation of a meeting.
In addition to Google be heard at home, home also works as intelligent speaker connected , allowing play music in certain rooms of the house sync.
It also will act as the control center of the various smart devices in the home, as systems connected lighting or cameras.
The company did not specify the price of the new product but confirmed that hit stores at least US from September.