Monday, May 23, 2016

Android vs iOS: Who wins the battle? – La Nacion (Argentina)

The two operating systems have millions of fans worldwide. In this note, its peculiarities, which should use and what to consider to develop apps in each

Just as Boca vs. River, The Beatles vs. Rolling Stones or traditional book vs. e-book, in the world of mobile devices there is intense competition between two operating systems. Android, developed by Google, and iOS, owned by Apple

“They have been created for smartphones and tablets, so share many aspects related to usability, navigation and menus. in addition, they formalized its design minimalism with design Material, which is a standard design focused on the display, and the Flat design, which is to remove or reduce all kinds of decoration design interface or web to simplify the message and provide the functionality. However, when they are discussed in detail, they are very different in form to function until the development in languages ​​” explains Ignacio Barrea, coordinator of developing mobile applications in Digital House. This center, whose campus is located in the neighborhood of Belgrano, face programs has to learn different disciplines. The course which teaches Barrea works in four months everything needed to develop attractive and modern apps. As it is based on a teaching methodology focused on practice, students acquire the skills to create their own applications from the first classes, with the guidance of experts in the field.

While the iOS user is accustomed to a simple, agile and more graphic care experience, the other operating system searches have more access control and customization on your device.

Which to choose?

Worldwide Android is the undisputed leader by number of users, and the same is true in Argentina as it is in 85 .% of the equipment against 6% that iOS is carried through the line of iPhones devices, according to market data

Anyway, for different reasons each arouses passions and fanaticisms: “Use the option of Apple because you can upgrade much easier than Google. in addition, its usability is much more intuitive and accessible. Other benefits is that new mobile applications are released first on iOS, “explains Nicolas Marquez, 26 years. In the other sidewalk Victoria Fernandez Bermejo, 27, who prefer Android because “it fits more to the environment, since it is an open operating system” is located.

Barrea says it is essential to have an ecosystem friendly equipment, to maximize the benefits of each proposal. “In this regard, Android provides a more comprehensive thanks to all the new generation of wearables such as watches and smart bracelets and the universe of the Internet of Things (IoT) experience,” explains the entrepreneur of 30 who is also co founder of, boutique technology company in Argentina, which since 2011 develops mobile applications to optimize productivity, brand loyalty and user experience.

Ignacio Barrea, coordinator of developing mobile applications in Digital House.

A fight that benefits the user

The good thing about the rivalry between the two operating systems, this situation requires its developers work constantly to launch versions top. Currently, the latter are iOS 9 to Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which offer higher speeds responses and better experiences of use, among other details.

To which of the two should develop a mobile application it is one of the frequently asked questions students posed to teachers Digital House. They are training with the aim of working as independent professionals within a company or as creators of successful apps such as Argentine Asked game. “Given the popularity of Android in Argentina, this system is presented as the logical choice to reach the most customers. On the other hand, the iOS user spends more money on these tools and make more purchases in-app average other users “answers Barrea.

as for the future, experts indicate that both coexist and aimed at different audiences. While the iOS user is accustomed to a simple, agile and more graphic care experience, Android seeks to have more access control and personalization on your device.

In short, there are no winners or but defeated two different proposals for each user to decide which you like best to meet your mobile needs. Undoubtedly, the history and future of Android will not be the same without iOS, and vice versa.


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