1. Lower the brightness level of the display
Given that the setting “Automatic “screen brightness is not too efficient (when enabled is almost impossible to see what’s on the screen too bright environments, when disabled consumes too), the best option to keep you absorb all the energy is turn it off and place the brightness slider in a less than 50 percent level. In 47 or 48 percent it is ideal.
2. Use funds dark screen or colorless
Related to this, the less pixels should be turned on whenever you activate the screen, the better. In absolute terms, it would be best not to use any wallpaper but Android does not bring an option “without wallpaper.” To make matters worse, it is not easy to know which of those found as “black” really not activate anything on the display. Luckily, for that we light apps like Pure Black Wallpaper
3. I decreased shortcuts to applications
If you are a compulsive downloader applications, possible that the screen (this usually is divided into three or four and we should have only the most important) will fill you with icons. So that does not happen, simply log on to Google Play settings and uncheck the option to automatically add an icon for every new app. In case you want, you can add it from the Applications screen
4. Enables interruption notifications scheduled
It is not very healthy leave activated sounds and vibration, for example, at bedtime, so many silent directly put the smartphone. The problem is that the day remember the sound. Therefore, the best alternative is to enter “Interrupts” and schedule day by day what time we want the device does not interrupt us with notifications.
5 Activate the Android Device Manager
There is something worse than losing the phone only.: know that you could have tracked down if enabled Android Device Manager. After you install this free app, but the geolocation by default and must be enabled to log into a Google account on the device. And ready. Whenever necessary, from any computer you can access the site Android Device Manager logged into Google and locate the device, ring or lock it if you took him away.
6. Save maps offline Google Maps
of little use Google Maps if you can not find places because the data connection is not good. For that, some time ago that cities offer more importatnes the geolocation app store and access certain areas precisely when there is no connectivity. In this note we explain how to do
7. Sets a guest user
It is possible that you ever do need someone that no’s you access your phone. If that means worrying about privacy from Android 5.1 onwards the system allows guests to add users with general and specific permissions to use certain applications. At first glance it may seem strange (at the end of the smartphone is personal), but it is something extremely useful.
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