Friday, July 15, 2016

How to uninstall factory applications in Android? –

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The problem is that this app can not be uninstalled like the rest you downloaded from Google Play or other sources, as they have been added as … system applications, however, there is a way to delete it from your device.

to do this we need to have our rooted phone, (root) even if you have Android 4.0 or higher can disable those applications without being . root

and that’s where the questions begin to arise: What is the root ?, what is it ?, and how does it work ?. The root word comes from English and Castilian literal translation is “root”. Being user of Unix system (similar to Android, Linux, Chrome OS, Mac OS or Orbis OS used in PS4) means to be a “super user” and have, therefore, full access to the system, ie be an administrator in a system Windows.

to achieve this advanced access, we have to change our system. In the case of Android systems electronic signatures included in the terminals do not have root access by default, single user safety.

To rootear or make root a terminal, we will install a firmware (one computer program that sets the logic lowest level that controls the electronic circuits of a device) with such privileges, either installing all new system or at least the kernel of the operating system.

the process to be root depends on the manufacturer, model of our prototype and the Android version that this has.

Some of the benefits of the root is the full command and control of our smart phone, which will allow us to install ROMs custom ( custom ROMs ), remove applications made not to use and make full copies of data.

After the previous installation of the program as device, enter and selecione Modify System , where three options appear: Junior, Pro and Quit , press “ PRO “.

Then we must look carefully uninstall the application you want, try not to touch other vital applications that could leave your device unusable. If it is difficult to find the app you want to uninstall by name, search for the icon that represents it and not by name

After the Selection window with the following options will appear. Uninstall, info Online, Quit ; his choice would be to be uninstall (uninstall), upon completion of the transaction, the app will be removed from your system.


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