Rivers bits are running Internet about future features provided in WhatsApp, as expected video calls or availability of public groups, among others, but for now all that is just around the corner the Android world is what we see in the new beta launched today, under the numbering 2.16.189
in it, users who installed by the following two ways:. be an official beta tester or download the APK of some specialized as APK Mirror web, you will find that from now on, when an audio call is rejected or not answered, use receive three options to choose any of them: return to the chat conversation, make again the call or an e-audio grabajar.
on the other hand, as indicated from Android Police, the new beta supports a new typeface additional: Fixedsys. The idea of supporting a second typography responds to the need to highlight any word or phrase, or even code if programmers, in a conversation. To use this font just you have to start and finish the text to highlight with “`. By the way, it seems that the new typography can also be used in the current stable version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS.
Finally, the average quoted points to the availability of “waiting for this message” a feature that rarely appear in cases where users have not received the message completely. It seems that this feature was already in previous earlier versions.
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