Sunday, August 24, 2014

91% of users use Apple iOS 7 Android 4.4 20.9% – iPadizate

91% of Apple users have installed the latest version of iOS 7 on their devices, compared to 20.9% of Android users

The latest report from Apple ensures that 91% of compatible devices already have the current iOS 7 installed , a figure that contrasts sharply with the 20.9% of Android devices that have installed the latest version of Android 4.4.

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last July, Apple published a report which could be seen as its latest mobile operating system, the current iOS 7 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch is installed and operating in more than 91 % of all compatible iOS devices.

Subsequently, OpenSignal, wanted to compare the report of the Cupertino company with information on the Android mobile operating system from Google in its latest version 4.4, and said it just runs in 20.9% of supported devices .


Android Fragmentation Google offers more benefits than harm

The report also talks about the fragmentation of Android and the pros and Cons that exist for developers of Google OS. The company notes that the wide range of existing Android devices on the market, enables developers to reach a wider audience. However, ensure that for developers means extra effort and time to make applications or games that can run properly in every one of the different Android devices.

OpenSignal conducted a study of more than 682,000 Android devices and concluded that l to Android fragmentation has quadrupled in the last two years . Apparently this year have been identified to 18,796 different Android devices, a figure vastly superior to the last registered 2012, a total of 3,997.

In addition, the same report says only 15% of Android users have this year with at least one of the 10 most popular Android devices of the market, while the remaining 85% is shared between devices mid-range and low-end of the platform.


Sea for one reason or another from OpenSignal concludes with the firm idea that Android fragmentation is more beneficial for Google to harmful , because the fact that consumers can access a variety of devices and prices for all types pockets helps that they have a greater number of users, something that Apple, for example, can not afford.

However, as they say PadGadget guys, it seems obvious that the constant updates mobile operating system for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch convince more users than Android updates .

Are you iOS or Android user ?, what version of OS you are right now? tell us about it !!


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