Saturday, August 23, 2014

iOS vs. Android: the eternal battle to combat fragmentation – Applesfera


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One of the strongest cards that Apple has always played with good results, is to compare its mobile operating system from competition, since no one even approaches the scheme that has Apple , where iOS runs on both distribution and updating but especially in the ease with which developers to work on it.

On the other hand, we have Android, which Google has done everything possible to solve the problem, providing tools for easy deployment of the updates to your operating unfortunately these tools and INITIATIVES have not yielded the desired results in the most recent analysis of Open Signal, we have Android fragmentation has grown into an alarming 60% compared to last year . <- more ->

Yes, we know, Google is not to blame for everything, but if the responsible for ensuring the various stakeholders in the operating system, so updates depend on both Google, as the manufacturer and the telephone operator , causing developers to have to make an extra effort because you have to work in applications that are compatible with the average first decisions and then that work well in most versions and hardware, a not easy task.

While at Apple, have the great advantage of have control of both hardware and software, working only on four resolutions (and if the rumors are true, soon to be more), similarly, the updates are completely controlled by Apple, without any intermediary, which has caused today, iOS 7 was found in 91% of devices , while iOS 6 and is only 8% and the remaining 1% is divided in other versions of the OS.


The case of Android is very different, five versions of the OS have over 10% share of devices , being as follows: 26.5% 4.1 Jelly Bean, Android 4.4 20.9 KitKat % 19.8% 4.2 Jelly Bean 2.3.3 – 2.3.7 Gingerbread 13.6% and finally 4.0.3 – 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich with 10.6%. This causes no standardization and manufacturers choose not to update their devices because it is easier (and profitable) to launch a new phone with the new version of Android, to upgrade the wide range of current devices, which in my Apparently, it’s a great lack of respect and seriousness towards the consumer.

Of course these numbers are mostly due to Android is the preferred operating system for hundreds of manufacturers, this is how this year have been reported according to Open Signal, 18,796 new Android compatible devices , while last year “only” 11,868 devices were recorded. Of these new devices, Samsung has 43% market share.


As we see is sheer madness, and to some extent is logical that Android can not compete is the field against Apple , because as mentioned, does not depend on Google to one hundred percent, but again , it is this is fixed, if we see it in a cold, would not necessarily do so, as providing tools for all devices to be updated in a simple way, runs the risk that the market sure to be full of Android handsets, as it would give them longer life , a matter which of course does not suit Google or manufacturers or operators

Via |. AppleInsider More Information | Open Signal


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