SAN FRANCISCO The next version of Android, Google’s operating system, will have new ways to gather information, pay for purchases and to protect privacy on mobile devices, while the company Internet it duels with Apple in its aim to return their technology indispensable.
The update will give the personal assistant of Android, Google Now, greater powers of intuition that could be good for some and too frightening for others.
Most of the innovations that Google presented Thursday at its annual developer conference, called Google I / O 2015 will be available later this year, around the date when Apple could introduce its new software iOS that work with iPhones and iPads.
The annual updates to iOS and Android are becoming increasingly important because people become more dependent on smartphones. Android has 80% of the global smartphone market while iOS is second with 16%, according to research firm International Data Corp.
Both companies want their products to have more and more presence to Mobile technology transfer their cars, televisions and appliances that connect to the Internet. Google also expects to have a leading role in home security with a new operating system called Android Brightness interacting with paper devices, AP reported.
Among other features, the new version of Android called because the time only “M” – allow you to scan the screen of a mobile device and from it Google will provide information, unlike the search engine as it does now analyzing user searches and e
Android M also includes an alternative. the payment system that Apple introduced last year. Pay will replace Google Android Wallet to buy in stores and applications. The update will also support fingerprint scanners so that users can be identified by pressing a button.
The Internet giant also unveiled Shine, a platform to facilitate the connection of common objects to the Internet.
“Today we are announcing Brightness, an operating system for the Internet of things, whose Android base, “said Sundar Pichai during the Google conference in San Francisco (California), attracting more than 5,000 developers, several hundred journalists and a legion of employees of the company, in addition to fans of the brand.
Widgets are a key element in the customizing praised Android. They allow us to interact with applications more quickly and simultaneously give a unique aesthetic touch to each of our devices. This has generated great cult of ongoing changes in home screens and implementation of various styles. Styles like minimalism, which is to simplify everything to the maximum in order to achieve greater ease of use and perfect aesthetics. Because, as always tend to say, “more is not always better.”
If you want to get into that style or looking to the next level, one of the first steps you should take is to replace all your widgets . And for that, nothing better than starting with some of these minimalist Android widgets.
Eye in the Sky. This application, actually, is not a simple widget. It is a well known and praised in the climatic scene Android application. Minimalism stands for the general application and, especially, its widgets, which are very attractive and simple. Perfect for current time without altering the minimalism.
Amber Weather. similar to Eye in the Sky case. This is an application designed to meet the weather. The difference is that Amber Weather does more emphasis on widgets, which are minimal and highly configurable both in aesthetics and information
Minimal Clock. A love for you minimalism look at their desks. This widget shows a very peculiar time, date and the remaining battery power of the device. It is really simple; So you end up falling in love with him (like me).
Clock Now. If you like the look of Google Now cards (and, in part, on Material Design), Clock Now be a must on your desktop. It is one of the minimalist Android widgets have lasted longest in my home screens. And it offers a variety of information with a simple, clear interface and obviously minimal.
Minimalistic Text. Minimalism tries to bring everything to the initial essence, the pure and basic concept. Minimalistic Text is a minimalist Android widgets that best achieve that goal. Displays specific information only with text (battery, weather, time …), giving a really simple to our home screens touch
Zooper Widget. Zooper Widget is one of the generators most comprehensive widgets that can be found in Google Play Store. Displays various information and distribute them the way we please in this case simply to reach minimalism -.
Beautiful Widgets. A classic among classics. He takes on Android almost since its inception, and has been renewed as the years have passed. It provides access to various information (weather, time, battery, etc.) and has many themes created by the community. If you are looking minimalism, perhaps combining Beautiful Widgets with a simple issue can be a winner.
Want to give a taste of the next iteration of Android? If you have a Google Nexus device, you’re in luck.
Sarah Tew / CNET
Google introduced the Android M Thursday, the new version of its popular mobile operating system. The update will change the permissions of apps, improve battery life and personal assistant Now Google will become more intelligent. Android M will be available later this year, but do not have to wait that long to give you a taste. As he did with Lollipop Android, Google has released a developer preview is available for download
But before you get too excited, there are a few things you should know.
This version is designed for developers and is very unstable.
must not pre-install Android on your master device M.
The installation process does not it is for the average user. It is complicated and if you run the wrong way may damage your device.
Neither I nor CNET in Spanish is liable for any damage that the upgrade may cause your device.
That said, let’s get to work. The method detailed in this guide is only for Windows computers. There are other options available to Mac users, but can also initialize a Windows virtual PC to do this.
Nexus Root Toolkit
AUn developer known as WugFresh has created a tool you can easily unlock the boot system ( bootloader ) and can rooting your Nexus device. I used the tool for a while now and it’s very easy. Note that this may void your warranty, and CNET in Spanish is not responsible for anything that happens to your device. You should proceed with caution as inexperienced users are advised to wait for the official update later this year.
You can download the tool from this Web site and install it on your Windows computer. Initializes the program and select the device you are using with the current version of the operating system you are running. To find the current version of the OS on your Nexus device, go to Settings (Settings) and slide down to About Phone (on the phone). You will find the information you need under Build Number (version number).
While in the About Phone section, click seven times in the Build Number option to activate the Developer (developer) mode. Then within Developer mode options, enable USB debugging (USB debugging). Will get a window on the screen of your phone when you try to connect Nexus Root Toolkit. Be sure to give permission.
You also have to disable the MTP setting on your Nexus device. When the device is connected to your computer, slide down the notifications bar, select the USB option and disables MTP.
Installing ‘drivers’
If the program and the computer does not recognize your device, you must install some software drivers . In the Nexus Root Toolkit, click the “Full Driver Installation Guide” button and follow the steps 1 to 4. This is the hardest part of the process. Be sure to follow the steps exactly and restart the computer when prompted to do so.
The images of factory
Before you can install a factory image, you must first unlock the boot system ( bootloader ). Click the Unlock button on the Nexus Root Toolkit, click OK, followed by Yes. Your device twice restart, but do not worry. Let the program do what you have to do.
Once your device has rebooted successfully, skip the initial setup and go to the Settings menu. Again, click the Build Number option to enable Developer mode, select USB debugging.
Now, go to the Web site for developers of Google and download the factory image of the previous Android M. sure to download the image that corresponds to your device. I’m using Nexus 5, so I downloaded the image of the fish hammerhead.
In the Nexus Root Toolkit, click the “Flash Stock + Unroot” button, followed by the option of using the image you downloaded previously. Click OK, select the file from your computer, and copy and paste the MD5 number that is next to the file you downloaded the Google site.
This will take time, so be patient and let the program do what you have to do. Once your phone reboots, will have a new installation of Android M.
Back to Lollipop
All of this is pretty funny. But given that Android M is not ready, you’ll want to have the option of returning to Lollipop. There is no problem. Before you begin, make sure you update the version number of your device on the Nexus Root Toolkit. Then again go to Settings on your Nexus device and enable USB debugging mode and Developer.
In the Nexus Root Toolkit, click the “Flash Stock + Unroot” button and from the dropdown menu select the version of Android you want to display. In my case, it’s a Nexus 5 (fish hammerhead) 5.1.1 (LMY48B). Click the OK button and wait for the image to download.
The operating system installed on your phone in a couple of minutes. And then restart your Nexus Android Lollipop again.
closed yesterday that Google was Google I / O disappointing in terms of major developments. More ambition, more powerful projects expected in virtual reality and wearables. We did not see. It was a Google I / O details. While, yes, one of them is much more important than it seems. While Android puts one step ahead of iOS.http: // -…
Focus on Google Now and the new Google Now on Tap function, although not a priori the highlight of the I / O, is probably the greatest impact novelty of the whole conference. In a time when the gap between iOS and Android are already marginal, Google Now on Android Tap puts one step ahead of his rival. And not only that. Strategically it is a master stroke of Google. Why?
Background information
Google Now on Tap wide basically everything you’re doing on your mobile with useful contextual information.
For example imagine a friend hanging on Instagram a photo of a delicious dish that is enjoying in a restaurant (image below). Where is this restaurant? It’s good? Just press the button home to activate Now on Tap, and almost as if by magic, a small card that shows links to online reviews of the restaurant or your phone to make featured a reservation.
The same applies if you receive a message on WhatsApp, or email, or if you’re listening to Spotify and want to know more about the singer. Whenever there is a text on the screen, Now on Tap can search in seconds summary information and offer it on a small card from which to do more. And all pressing a button.
This simple function is something that right now no other assistant, Siri or not Cortana, can do. Of course, the demos that has shown Google for Now on Tap in the I / O is that, demos designed to work perfectly. Our partner Gizmodo US Brent Rose tried it and found it impressive. Let’s wait to have it officially ready for Android M this fall, but Now on Tap is not only important for what it lets you do, also for what it means for Google.
The” glue “that binds all
In Bloomberg well used this expression to define the importance of Now on Tap: it is the “glue” that binds all your digital adventures. It is a masterstroke of Google. Now on Tap it works not only on Chrome or any other browser on your phone, works also on any application , is WhatsApp, Instagram, Spotify or Facebook. And developers do not have to do anything to adjust their apps to Now on Tap.
On the one hand, to the user, this is important. So now if you’re in a app and you want to know more about something you’ve seen in that app , you have to go jumping from side to other search engine to another app and return to where you were. Now on Tap saves you all those steps. On the other hand, the idea is important for Google because it stands as a key intermediary in that experience. An experience that had lost control among millions of my . Google is the giant online ordering all our information into the computer, but until now Android had not gotten something in mobile. Now on Tap is the first step in that direction.
If when Now on Tap is officially active works as have shown the demos it would be more than enough to want to switch to Android or not wanting to go right. Of course, Apple will have to make a move, and if you do well go back to that situation of “technical tie” between iOS and Android. Until that happens, Google Now just give a slight but important advantage over its rivals Android
Photo closure. AP
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New does not have to be radically different, not showy or flashy in a firm way. My first 5 minutes with Android M’s have spent believing in Lollipop was not because he had not updated. So no, again not much, but what there is (almost) everything better. http: // -…
For now only be installed in the last two Nexus phones, the Nexus Nexus 5 and 6 and a tablet, the Nexus 10, here’s how to do it easily
Visual improvements:. few but important
In terms of appearance, and although as I said 90% is virtually identical, we have included some interesting news. The first one is the default clock shown with the screen locked. Now it is, to me I see it, more elegant and blends animation release. Developers in the menu can be activated a new feature that allows you to activate between a light in white, and a darker mode for menus. Looks like this:
The volume controls now allow finally completely mute the device without any additional control. Mutean the entire device except alarms. A new drop-down menu displays the same controls separate volume settings for each type of sound. This last part is not exactly new or innovative but appreciated see it implemented and
Changes in usability. Drawer applications controversial
The other big both visual and change the user experience has to do with the application drawer. Big changes here. Rather “ride” on the desktop now a drawer in the strict sense of the word, with its own designated area. The good: it has a search engine and automatically displayed at the top of the applications they use. The bad: it is, in my opinion, more uncomfortable than the previous model, aesthetic considerations aside
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Another small detail: the selection of text to copy and paste is now much, much more precise. Part of these adjustments here and there that are maybe not too obvious at first sight but that will radically improve the user experience
In the application permissions are one of the biggest changes of all Android M. Perhaps one of the most needy as well. Now it is much easier to know which application is doing what how. This control is carried out mainly at two levels.
granular permissions for applications
The first is with a page showing global permission applications for each category (Camera, Microphone, SMS, Sensors, Location …) in this way is much more simple review for each of them if there is an application you should have specific access.
The second is a submenu for each application in which we can adjust what we allow access and what not. It is much more granular and accurate. Once again we find ourselves facing a change that probably will not radically change the experience of using Android but, nevertheless, it should have been included for some time.
Two of the most important functions of Android M, Now on Tap and Android Pay, are not available in time to be tested in the preview.
How Android works M?
M Android works well? Yes and no. Yes, it is usable and can be tested without problem but not as the primary operating system, no, there is no question of performance in a preview still so green and no, you can not draw any conclusions yet. In my case the random reboots have been a constant, the start button does not work, the tablet is about to take to burn the heat generated and the duration of the low battery in freefall.
Soon to say, perhaps, but so far all we have seen seems to indicate that in a few years we’ll talk about Android M as the turning point of maturity, Android as a platform. No need to innovate so radically and add new jet functions (although some continue to be needed). Instead, grinding and polishing, polishing and polishing. The same, but working better. Welcome to Be
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He said yesterday that Android M is not a major update of the operating system of Google. What great is said to have been two in history, ICS and Lollipop. Nevertheless, he said that Android users M bring more satisfaction than those obtained with these two so new versions. And I say again. Having a nice and homogeneous system long ago in the face of experience, but what really determines is convenience, and this give you the pure functions. And that for me is the two largest and most beneficial News Android M have not been shown in the presentation.
Auto Backup for application data
I can say without doubt that I have five years waiting for this day, and last year I asked already. Terminal change much, and although the activation process has improved over time, I can not say I have to hand insert all the data in the applications is fast and pleasant process. Android has long been a backup system, but its implementation by developers is not easy.
Although it has gone unnoticed, backup can be the star feature Android M
The backup on Android M is a reality. Comes an automatic system whose greatest virtue is to be as compatible with applications that today can be downloaded from the Play Store, which means that developers do not have to modify code necessarily. The backup process is done daily when the device is idle, connected to the stream and a Wi-Fi network. Each application can use up to 25 MB for backup to Google Drive , but these data do not occupy user space, unlike Apple with iCloud solution. It can run both when we activate a terminal as when uninstalled and re-install an application.
For developers, there is some evidence, such as those in external storage, which are excluded from the backup, so in certain cases if there is to schedule. Also noteworthy it is that application data will be encrypted . I leave here are two screenshots taken by +supercurio showing backup settings:
Multi Window
The real surprise. came to Android with the Galaxy Note , and is increasingly extended to other brands, as for example with LG. However, Google has never shown much interest in implementing it (Cyanogen tried to do in their custom ROMs and Google threatened to banearles the Play Store , which attempt remained in words).
Still, he had found some evidence that the multi-window coming to Android officially end, and so it proved. It is not found in the preview released yesterday or accessible to the user, developer itself in the emulator settings. This suggests that is still under development , as permits, hidden under the name 4.3 App Ops. A Reddit user has changed some details in your Nexus 6 and has managed to make it run, and she says, has enough functionality. We were waiting for Google to formalize, although it could still take a long time.
Google just removed the curtain of what will be the next big evolution of its mobile operating system: Android M. Security, performance, Android Wear or improved notification center are just a few points that will touch, but many expect such a radical change as that was iOS 8 for iOS 7. Here you have your first news.
Better management of permissions
The first task it has set Google Android M is to improve the user experience regardless of whether we or not a next-generation smartphone. To do this, the new version to simplify the permit system applications so that we are not constantly asking for permission to use the camera or access contacts. All permissions for each application, as well They can be reviewed and configured from the preferences menu.
Managing links in Chrome tabs as
Links … Everything Internet is full of links. They are the fabric that ties them all. To facilitate the task of accessing these links Chrome on Android M adopt a system of tabs as you allow porting form or password under the security umbrella of Chrome. The goal is that by clicking on a link from an application, open an agile and securely without intermediate steps.
Android Pay
The future of Google Wallet for any Android called Android Pay. It is an open platform that supports debit and credit safely. When you leave, work in 700 chains physical stores including restaurants and shops. The system is compatible with fingerprint sensors and secure NFC connections.
Battery Management
M Google ensures that Android will come with a business management system that will allow to double the battery life. This smartphone uses sensors to determine when the device is simply resting on a table and reduce consumption to a minimum. In addition, the new version promises to bring fast charge to all terminals.
Navigation offline Google Maps
Generally, when most need to consult maps is when you have no Internet access. The next version of Google Maps in Android M not only allow to view maps offline. We also give Access navigation instructions step by step.
Other important details
Other features of Android M will For example, the ability to adjust the volume independently for specific applications and services. It will also improve the way we share files with other devices.
If all this seems very vaporous’s because it is. Android M is still in the throes of development. Developers only have access to your previous version to start working on it. It is likely that during the conference I / O provide more details. As they do, the update right here.
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