Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Google Android leads its rewards program ... - The Android Free


However great

be a developer, it is inevitable that your product suffers from bugs, or errors in your code causing stability or security problems. This is even more true in the case of large projects such as Android. The real problem with bugs is that although there are automated methods to find, really until tested in a real environment there is no certainty that no longer exists n. So the best way to find them is to get users to try the product.

In this sense we must understand Google rewards programs, who have been some years in operation in other branches of the company as Chrome or web applications. Operation is simple: if someone finds a bug in the program, the company warns responsibly, ie not made public until they are told to. Google developers analyze the bug, and depending on how severe it is, it is assigned a reward that starts from $ 500, to over $ 3,000.


Now Google has launched a new rewards program for improving security bugs proactively, and he has included AOSP . As you know, AOSP is the free software project that underlies all Android versions then come to our devices. The program also includes other basic elements such as Chromium browser now updated Android default.

To participate in the rewards program, not enough to simply teach the bug to Google, but also must develop a patch, upload it to the project and work with Android developers to solve the best way possible the problem. Therefore, it needs some certain programming skills to participate. Of course, the bug has to be new and not published elsewhere.

our patch finally comes to Android code, receive a reward of between $ 500 and U.S. $ 3133.7 , although in the past the discoverers particularly serious bugs have received a greater reward than established.

Source | Google

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