Saturday, August 15, 2015

With this simple trick you will improve the user experience … – Hypertext

The main high-end smartphones with Android have large, clear screens. Some reach up to 5.7 inches in size and qHD resolutions (2560 x 1600) higher-resolutions that a MacBook Pro Retina, even-. But, what does this translate? In theory, to more content and greater clarity. In practice, it is not always the case.

We found cases like Huawei Ascend Mate 7 or LG own G4 where, despite finding large screens and resolutions, the number of items on the screen remains generally constant compared to smaller terminals with the same resolution. Here you can see an example:

 Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - density Change pixels - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density

In this picture we see a Samsung Galaxy S5 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3. A 5.1-inch screen, another screen of 5.7 inches. Both with full HD resolution. And, as we see in the picture, the number of items displayed on the screen is exactly the same . In the case of the Note, the Google Now Launcher icons are larger, but the total amount is exactly the same.

This, for those with visual difficulties, is a great advantage, but for the vast Most of the population is a waste of space, display and possibilities. And in screen Samsung Galaxy Note 3, or any other device-fit more items that, by default are shown.

Fortunately, there is a way to change this situation. A very simple way that does not even require access root .

Changing the density of pixels

 Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density

So change your life by modifying the density of pixels.

Change pixel density is a step improve the user experience of your device. It does not affect the warranty and is easily reversible. So, why not do it?

Steps to perform on Windows

First, must have the appropriate drivers on your device properly installed . You can find them on the official website of the manufacturer with a simple search on Google. Usually come with the suite that the manufacturer has developed for desktop

After installing the drivers, you must download the following files:.

  • Google USB Driver . Once downloaded, install it like any other program.
  • Minimal ADB and Fastboot . Once downloaded, install it and choose install path as the Desktop.
  • Java (if you have not installed). . The download and install like any other program

Once done, activate debugging mode in Android terminal and connect to your computer (Settings & gt; Options Developer & gt; USB) debugging. If you do not have activated Options developer, just go to settings section where you can see the version of Android installed and press repeatedly on the build number. After that, it will appear in the settings menu.

After that, we open A terminal window Windows (known as CMD) by holding down the shift button by right-clicking and selecting “Open Command Window Here”.

 Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density

So looks the Windows command console. Also called CMD or terminal.

Then we have to write “adb devices” in the terminal window and press Enter . If everything is correct, we should go on the screen information from a connected terminal. If not, unlocks the Android device and accept permit applications should be popping. If it still does not appear, check all previous steps or try restarting both devices.

After checking that the terminal is listed, only we have to write to the terminal “adb shell wm density xyz “ (without the quotes) and press enter. Instead of “xyz” obviously we must introduce desired density pixels (any number from 1 to 1000). The higher the number, the larger the screen elements will be. To give you a reference:

  • Displays Full HD: 480 by default
  • HD Screens.. 360 by default
  • 2K screens: 640 by default.

Once you have entered this line of code, just type “adb reboot” (without the quotes) and press enter. The terminal will restart and within moments the new pixel density displays. If you are unhappy with the end result, simply re-enter the same lines of code changing the selected value.

Steps to perform on Linux and Mac

 Change pixel density - Change pixel density - Change pixel density -

By changing the density of pixels, the screen icons are displayed.

In this case, the steps are simpler than in Windows. You simply download this file and unzip it into any desired folder. Personally I recommend doing it on your desktop , but can do so provided they know any later enter the path to the folder in the terminal. If that last sentence sounded like Chinese, unzip the best desktop

After that, activate debugging in Android device mode and connect to the computer (Settings & gt;. Options Developer & gt; USB) debugging. If you do not have activated Options developer, just go to settings section where you can see the version of Android installed and press repeatedly on the build number. After that, they will appear in the settings menu options Developer

 Change density of pixels - pixel density Change - Change pixel density -

So looks the terminal in a Linux distribution. In a similar way, in Mac.

The next step is to open a Terminal window. After that, write “cd Desktop / ADB” and hit enter. If not unzipped folder on the desktop, you must type “cd” followed by the appropriate path

Once at this point, the steps are similar to those of Windows.

  • Write “adb devices ./” and hit enter. If everything is correct, the data on your device should appear in a list. If not, check the above steps.

  • Write “adb shell density wm xyz” (without the quotes) and press Enter . Instead of “xyz” obviously we must introduce desired density pixels (any number from 1 to 1000). The higher the number, the larger the screen elements will be.

  • Write “adb reboot” (without the quotation marks) and press Enter . The terminal will restart and within moments the new pixel density displays. If you are unhappy with the end result, simply re-enter the same lines of code changing the selected value.

In general, these processes are often very effective and all software adapts smoothly. However, some applications default may show a conflict with the new density of pixels and appear blurred. In that case, simply look for alternative applications or try different densities of pixels -if not run any, you can always return to the default -.


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