If you are a visually impaired person, navigate the site from here < class=”canchallena”> class=”personajes-tv”> ohlala class=”ohlala”> class=”rolling”> class=”brando”> class=”hola”> class=”susana”> class=”living”> class=”maru”> class=”clasificados”> class=”clubln UPDATE ultimas”> class=”conOver PolíticaEconomíaSociedadSeguridadEl class=”col-1″> edicion-impresa class=”conOver last”> floatFix”> class=”avisos LN guias”> class=”conOver Alerts ArchivoNewsletter | Solidarity 4:02 | 2:56 | 1:54 | Advance. news impacting class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology itemprop=”description”> class=”bajada” In the Android world, Steve Kondik is a legend: CyanogenMod created a modified Android firmware (a ROM, in the jargon), probably the most popular and advanced. Not alone, surely. And like the others, was born as a way to tap that Android is an open operating system and can be modified. Cyanogen’s original idea, as it Kondik featured on the blog of his new company, was to solve the problems that had the original Android, adding features and support more devices, especially those who had been abandoned by their manufacturers (ie, they would not receive further updates). From 2009 until now this firmware grew, added items, good aesthetics and so forth, a mobile operating system users for users , as defined. And highly recommended for all those who are not happy with the next version of Android on their phones. But not for everyone, and the process varies from team to team. So Kondik announced two things: first, that in the coming weeks will reach Google store an installer, to make it simple. Second, he created a company and already has 7 million investment. The goal? Being an Android alternative (and 100% legal, of course). Android is free software and therefore Google has no power over him (beyond that provided by the development base). But to offer within a version of Android applications (store, maps, Gmail client, etc.) they must be validated by the company, that piece of software, therefore, is not open source. The only way to integrate is to be certified by Google, something usually only done with companies (and for community projects). But one of the executives said the new Cyanogen chatted on Reddit, being now a company could achieve technical enablement, including their services, give more wealth to his proposal and gain more followers. What remains unclear is how the new company will make money, it appears that aim to generate agreements with device manufacturers interested in having on your smartphone or Android Tablet a very sophisticated version. For those interested in trying out CyanogenMod, will be a matter of waiting a few weeks to get the installer, or take the manual route. . http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 10:27 17 SEP Tried team with 4.3 inch display and dual-core chip, has a good camera and a long-lived battery, use Windows Phone 8, the price ranges from 1499-2299 pesos, depending on the operator http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 19:14 16 SEP The company confirmed ended development of Sailfish operating system that supports the use of applications created for Android http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 10:38 SEP 10 38 million Galaxy Note are also other data confirming that what started as a fashion today is a standard http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 13:01 05 SEP Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the Sony Xperia Z1, the Acer Liquid S2 and the Alcatel One Touch Hero are the teams, record video in 4K, have large screens, electronic ink and more http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 12:37 04 SEP has its own sensor, hooked the phone with a clip, used to control cell TECHNOLOGY dollar in case you missed it The reviews posted are solely the responsibility of the authors and the consequences arising out of them can bring about legal sanctions. User who posts messages including regulation violates any comments will be removed and disqualified to comentar.Enviar a comment constitutes acceptance of Regulation Your message is being processed in minutes will be entered into the comments of the note. class=”texto” 0 Filter by: Help Terms How to advertise Work with us Pag class=”inicio”> class=”newsletters”> class=”movil”> class=”lanacionDigital”> class=”lanacion”> class=”c16″> class=”c16″> xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”> If you are a visually impaired person, navigate the site from here < class=”canchallena”> class=”personajes-tv”> ohlala class=”ohlala”> class=”rolling”> class=”brando”> class=”hola”> class=”susana”> class=”living”> class=”maru”> class=”clasificados”> class=”clubln UPDATE ultimas”> class=”conOver edicion-impresa class=”conOver last”> LN guias”> class=”conOver fúnebresSociales Notices | Solidarity 4:02 | 2:56 | 1:54 | Advance. content=”Jueves class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> September 19 Thursday September 19, 2013 | 18:53 class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology itemprop=”description”> class=”bajada” In the Android world, Steve Kondik is a legend: CyanogenMod created a modified Android firmware (a ROM, in the jargon), probably the most popular and advanced. Not alone, surely. And like the others, was born as a way to tap that Android is an open operating system and can be modified. Cyanogen’s original idea, as it Kondik featured on the blog of his new company, was to solve the problems that had the original Android, adding features and support more devices, especially those who had been abandoned by their manufacturers (ie, they would not receive further updates). From 2009 until now this firmware grew, added items, good aesthetics and so forth, a mobile operating system users for users , as defined. And highly recommended for all those who are not happy with the next version of Android on their phones. But not for everyone, and the process varies from team to team. So Kondik announced two things: first, that in the coming weeks will reach Google store an installer, to make it simple. Second, he created a company and already has 7 million investment. The goal? Being an Android alternative (and 100% legal, of course). Android is free software and therefore Google has no power over him (beyond that provided by the development base). But to offer within a version of Android applications (store, maps, Gmail client, etc.) they must be validated by the company, that piece of software, therefore, is not open source. The only way to integrate is to be certified by Google, something usually only done with companies (and for community projects). But one of the executives said the new Cyanogen chatted on Reddit, being now a company could achieve technical enablement, including their services, give more wealth to his proposal and gain more followers. What remains unclear is how the new company will make money, it appears that aim to generate agreements with device manufacturers interested in having on your smartphone or Android Tablet a very sophisticated version. For those interested in trying out CyanogenMod, will be a matter of waiting a few weeks to get the installer, or take the manual route. . http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 10:27 17 SEP Tried team with 4.3 inch display and dual-core chip, has a good camera and a long-lived battery, use Windows Phone 8, the price ranges from 1499-2299 pesos, depending on the operator http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 19:14 16 SEP The company confirmed ended development of Sailfish operating system that supports the use of applications created for Android http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 10:38 SEP 10 38 million Galaxy Note are also other data confirming that what started as a fashion today is a standard http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 13:01 05 SEP Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the Sony Xperia Z1, the Acer Liquid S2 and the Alcatel One Touch Hero are the teams, record video in 4K, have large screens, electronic ink and more http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 12:37 04 SEP has its own sensor, hooked the phone with a clip, used to control cell TECHNOLOGY AS SEEN class=”temas”> dollar in case you missed it floatFix class=”enviarComentario Post your comments on Facebook. How? – Link your account Notify me by e-mail every time you answer my message The reviews posted are solely the responsibility of the authors and the consequences arising out of them can bring about legal sanctions. User who posts messages including regulation violates any comments will be removed and disqualified to comentar.Enviar a comment constitutes acceptance of Regulation class=”c10″ id=”comentario_fecha”> Your message is being processed, in minutes will be entered into the comments of the note. floatfix” class=”solapas Filter by: Help Terms How to advertise Work with us Pag class=”inicio”> class=”newsletters”> class=”movil”> class=”lanacionDigital”> activo”> ??class=”floatFix” lanacion.com
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class=”ampliar-foto”> The team of the new company. install Cyanogen
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name=”servicioBomba” received by mail news impacting
class=”ampliar-foto”> The team of the new company. install Cyanogen
Nokia Lumia 720 smartphone, which is already in the country
Jolla advances a locker and adds support for Android
large screen smartphones are here to stay
How are the high-end phones presented in Berlin
A lens to transform any smartphone in a pocket camera, the new Sony
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