new Android Device Manager function is in the Settings section of the company Google Mountain View introduced to go including some of its services that Android did not enjoy previously. So far, we have seen some really useful functions, such as Play Games, which allows us to configure the settings for this service, to control video game notifications that appear, for example, or all the applications that we have connected with our Google account, so that we can turn this off. Anyway, this new option, Android Device Manager is in settings where Google and will have to go though in Spanish have a different name. These are the processes to be followed to activate the lock.
The smartphone1. – Access the application menu: It is also called as application drawer, but it is the place where are all the Android applications that have installed or came and presinstaladas on the smartphone. Once you’re here, and we can locate the application you want.
2. – Go to Settings Google: No, not talking about the classic smartphone Settings section that is usually represented by a gray gear, but for the green icon which appears in the lyrics of Google and two Gear wheels white small. Normally this icon is next to Settings, by having a similar name, but it’s called Google settings.
3. – Access Device Manager: In Spanish, it is called your Android Device Manager, but Device Manager, so you have to go to this option. It is not difficult to find, because it is also the last section. We turn to this option, and click on it.
4. – Allow remote lock and data factory reset: When we are in this section, there are two options, and it is possible that one of them appears as marked. The two options that appear are “Locate the device remotely,” which is the first of all, and that is likely to be marked, and a second, “Allow remote lock and data factory reset.” Chances are that the latter option is disabled, so we’ll have to activate it. In doing so, if we lose the device, we can block distance.
5. – Enable the service: Once you have clicked on it, confirmation window appears that indicates the potential of this service. To confirm that we are satisfied, we need only click on the Activate button to start running.
In the computer
1. – Android Device Access Manager: Once we have all this service activated on your smartphone, then it is time to see how we can run all the options from your computer. First, you need to access Android Device Manager.
2. – Select your smartphone: As you could see, Android Device Manager, in fact, is located in Google Maps, because what it does is show us where you are at this moment the smartphone. Yes, we have to select which smartphone is the one we want to locate. We have several registered with our Google account, and we can locate them. We selected what we’re looking for.
3. – Sound the smartphone: If you have lost, but we still believe we do not have anyone else, we can search through the map, and if it is close, make it sound as hard as you can, so locate the smartphone as we will be listening.
4. – Terminal Blocks: On the other hand, if we know that we will not find, we can block it, so would avoid that the person who stole the phone can use it. Because this may not make phone calls with our card. We will lose the smartphone will almost likely, but if not we would get it back, at least that no one else can get have saved buying a phone stealing ours.
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