Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to remove the advertising Android notification bar? - Android Help

One of the big problems is that their freedom Android has made advertising systems become much invaded, like advertising that appears in the notification bar. Here’s how to end it.

What is advertising notifications?

It has become common if you have an Android smartphone which notifications appear advertising. This advertising is known as Airpush, it is the name of the company that popularized this system. Actually, it is logical that developers want to make money from their applications. They are free to do so, but we also help.

How to remove this ad?

systems to remove the advertising on Android. However, most of these require Root. Therefore, the best way to end this is advertising notifications detecting which applications that insert this advertising, and desintalándolas. Now, there is a fundamental problem that greatly complicates the process, and is having to detect these applications when there are a lot of apps installed on the smartphone.

First, we must take into account that most applications with this type of advertising are poor quality apps and malfunction. However, it is impossible to get to know what you are exactly. Let’s see how to identify which apps are the ones that put ads in notifications.

1. – Airpush Detector

We can install this application on your Android smartphone or tablet. It’s called Airpush Detector and as its name suggests, is dedicated to locating which apps are the ones that put this type of advertising. Once you have located these applications with this detector, just have to dedicate to uninstall the applications that have been selected. Oddly enough, the only option is to kill them.

Some similar applications this why we might choose would Airblocker, TrustGo Detector, Detector or Addons Detector Advertising.

2. – AppBrain Ad Detector

previous application may not show any app in the list when ice monitor the smartphone. In this case, we can choose another application such as AppBrain Ad Detector. What makes this is to analyze all the applications installed on the phone, and each to be installed later. When run, it shows a list of installed apps and the right is a bar of color: Red, green or yellow. If red is that this application has permissions that may allow advertising. We can not determine what are those apps, but lets us know which ones you are probably getting publicity.

3. – CatLog and OS Monitor

Finally, we have a process that is virtually foolproof. We’re not legit applications that perform processes in theory putting locate advertising apps notifications. We can take us all the detection process. To do this we need to install two applications. These are CatLog and OS Monitor.

The first application is used to view the log of processes running on the system. What we have to do is pay attention to the smartphone, trying to track the time you see the ad. So we just have to go to CatLog, and search the log the last process. We have the data of the process executed by the application to place advertising. With the options, we can get the PID number of the process, which is the identification of the application.

Once we have this, run OS Monitor. This app also locates the apps that are active at a time, but not processes, but applications. And the best part is that not only is the name of the app itself, but also the PID, which is the identification code of this. Now, we seek the PiD we have obtained thanks to the previous step, and we will know what is the application you need to uninstall.


best thing about these methods is that they require Root. In many cases you need to have superuser permissions to stop advertising in app notifications. In this case it is not necessary and we can perform this process on any Android smartphone and tablet, having to install applications that recommend or following the steps in this article.

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