Android application development has become key to the future, because of the number of smartphones and tablets there with this operating system. However, developing Android applications is not easy if you do not have a clear basis. To help, we have a very useful tool, Android Studio .
we all understand. The language we use is a language binary systems given by 1 and 0. In practice, digital systems receive signals of 1 and 0 electronically. A given voltage is 1, and another set voltage is 0. Now when we create an application, do not write in a language composed only of 1 and 0, but by letters, orders, and structures that are much simpler when working. To create Android applications using the Java language. The English language uses commands that can be much more familiar than the 1 and the 0. For example, you use the word “class” to define a class, or the word “new” to define a new element. Learn what these words are used is like learning a new language, once we have understood, is very easy to work with it, something that would never happen with a language composed of 1 and 0.
However, since the program written in Java, until it is converted into electrical signals of two different types of voltage, the processes are many. In many cases, as with applications for Android, the code we’ve written to other languages ??becomes increasingly close to machine language. When we talk about low-level programming, we refer specifically to a level that is very close to the main actions of a digital system.
create basic apps for Android, we will schedule a high level, and we can completely forget about the 1 and the 0. We can forget all languages ??and codes ranging from those two digits up our application, except one, the Java. Except for this, the rest of the programming for Android is much more familiar, since we have very useful applications and programs. Although in the end the only thing left is to code in Java, we can use these programs to deal with the projects in a much more digestible. One such program is Android Studio .
Studio, a must for development
What is Android Studio
Among other things, has some tools that greatly facilitate the development of applications, such as applications to preview different smartphones and tablets to see how the code is running we are editing, and how it looks in different types of display there. This new program will also help us make our application ready to post. While Android applications are written in Java, the fact is that then you have to compile it to make it a single. Apk. This last step is very simple with Android Studi or. Let’s say that the new IDE is now much more familiar and easier to use than it was the SDK with which Google had before.
A first step to start programming for Android? Download and install Android Studio from their official website. Familiar with this program is essential if we are to create really useful applications in a matter of months.
Download Android Studio