Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Android has fewer vulnerabilities than iOS but is attacked ... - The Android Free

Android Security

eternal security discussion on Android is a story that continues to grow and it seems never ending. In fact often cross paths with the security iOS , and usually ends in a war quite dirty and full of reviews of all types.

The first thing we must realize is that security must always apply the highest law of common sense , and if you install an application downloaded from a forum that ensures we pay us for every time see an announcement, we can expect something bad. If we do things well and carefully, usually have to worry about rather little, and years and years that you bear with Android know that become infected with malware is really difficult.

But let the mess. In a study of CVE Details are recorded the number and type of vulnerabilities in Android and iOS. The results are as follows:

    • Android Vulnerabilities 2009-2013: 27

      iOS Vulnerabilities

    • 2009-2013: 228

    is, the number of vulnerabilities found in iOS is more than 8 times that of Android in the last five years, despite much that we have heard to the contrary and the lack of security that has Android .

    But why we heard that Android is less secure than iOS? The answer is simple, because episodes. This same war and Apple fought against Windows, the latter popular operating system for their security problems. This statement was issued by Apple because Windows suffered many more attacks them, not necessarily to be less secure. But the amount of malware has more to do with the number of users: The more users, more likely to suffer attacks .

    As shown in this study Symantec , when you look at the attacks and vulnerabilities not, things change a lot. First we see this table confirms that iOS has many more vulnerabilities than Android:


    But then we found this one:


    Android threats suffered during 2012 were 103 , while only one who saw iOS Why if more vulnerabilities on iOS? So simple, because they prefer to attack more Android, with more users, is a better target.

    is important that when we hear about security know differentiate between vulnerabilities and malware attacks that exploit vulnerabilities.


    | Android Vulnerabilities | Vulnerabilities iOS | Android and iOS Threats

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