Thursday, July 18, 2013

BitTorrent now available on Android Sync to synchronize files ... - ALT1040

platform file synchronization in the cloud of BitTorrent comes to Android to provide more privacy than any other, following the principles of P2P

By Eduardo Marin

July 17, 2013, 23:34

number of platforms available to sync files in the cloud is growing. After the success of Dropbox began to see alternatives such as birth Box , Copy, MEGA or large companies like Apple iCloud, Microsoft’s SkyDrive and Google Drive for just to mention some. Even so, sometimes highlighting new ways to offer unique or special features compared to the others. This is the case of the option created by people BitTorrent that today bears his platform from phase alpha a beta and launches its first mobile application: BitTorrent Sync Android now available.

According to officials of this platform cloud sync , experts P2P protocol for many years, BitTorrent Sync for Android and generally offers the user the most security and privacy for their records, proof of “prying eyes”, a song if it has always been taken into account by the public, controversial these days because of the spying program NSA called PRISM is sounding more.


says his platform file synchronization operates on the principles of P2P , allowing users to sync your files between different platforms for which it is available, or share files and folders with family and friends, the style of what you offer any other service. Not only this, they announce that the encryption protocol used by the service is the scheme 256-bit AES , one of the safest to date.

Furthermore, BitTorrent Sync has many configuration options for bills, from the ability to share folders by creating QR codes (which does the same app ) to expert options as to create our own encryption passwords for our records.

BitTorrent Sync is available not only for Android, but also desktop Windows, Mac and Linux with desktop clients. A very attractive option especially after the controversy caused by the revelation of PRISM and cases like that could be related to Microsoft services with the surveillance program of the NSA. As a curious note, Google is already testing ensures encryption of files for Drive. Can we trust this after Edward Snowden revealed he was also working with PRISM? Is it a better alternative MEGA trust, BitTorrent or other services that do not belong to huge corporations like Google, Apple or Microsoft?

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Eduardo Marin

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