Friday, November 25, 2016

Launch Firefox in the guarani language for Android – The Nació

is now available the official version of Firefox in the guarani language for the Android operating system, which will be launched on Tuesday 29 November at 18:00.

Firefox in guarani for Android was developed by more than 25 professionals from the guarani language and computing in a space of 4 months of work at the Polytechnical Faculty of the ONE.

The launch will be during an event that will take place in room B01 of the cited grounds of the National University of Asunción (FP-A), Campus, city of San Lorenzo.

Firefox for Android is an application that allows you to customize the panels start with the web content which one to choose, allows access to favorites like Instagram and Pocket Hits and remember the apps you have recently used.

Also, it makes possible to add any search engine and set it as default; to read and save articles easily, and access them while not connected to the internet. Allows you to change your browser language quickly and easily, without having to modify the configuration of the entire device or restart the browser. To all this adds the advantage of allowing people to post web content and video from your smartphone or tablet to any TV of the last generation.

The task of making the official version of Firefox in the guarani language for the Android operating system was to be led by the FP-A, together with the Ateneo Language and Culture Guarani, the Secretariat of Language Policy the Higher Institute of Languages of the A and the Mozilla community Paraguay.

Will be present in the act, the holder of the Ateneo of Language and Culture Guarani, David Galeano Olivera, director of Projects for Android and OIS, Mozilla, Delphine Lebédel; the dean of the FP-A, Teodoro Salas; the general coordinator of the translation Project, Alcides Torres Gutt; the Race director of the Bachelor’s degree in Guarani Language of the Higher Institute of Languages A, Carlos Lugo.

The download link of the application, is available from the 20 of November of the current is: or



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