Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The version of CyanogenMod 14, based on Android 7.0 Nougat … – Analí


No Download 14 and Android 7.0 Nougat

it Seems that we were permanently without the Android 7.0 Nougat in your fork of CyanogenMod. The version CyanogenMod 14 would have been permanently shut down, according to CyanogenMod Italy, a web community that does not cite official sources, but given the community nature of this Custom ROM, it is reliable because you seem to speak with quite a bit of knowledge of the internal development of such new version.

apparently, the problems that would have led to the cancellation would have to do with the efforts made by Google to prevent security breaches arising from any problem with the hardware. To prevent a security breach, a hardware element can give access to the entire system, Google has divided in different elements of everything that has to do with the management of the hardware. It is an obvious step and logical, but it complicates life for developers of CyanogenMod 14 who have found that devices that make use of HAL1 (hardware abstraction layer) problems when using the camera.

As you would claim directly from CyanogenMod, I can’t continue with a development that is not able to ensure compatibility with all hardware on a final version.

CyanogenMod 14.1 would be the future

This might seem apocalyptic, but the abandonment of CyanogenMod 14 nor is it as tragic as it might seem. In the end, the team has already started work on CyanogenMod 14.1, the version of the operating system that will be based on Android 7.1 Nougat. We are working on the basis of the project AOSP for Android 7.1. If you still lose a little with this CyanogenMod, and I sounds like something out of the OnePlus or something like that, first you must understand the differences between Cyanogen and CyanogenMod. Be that as it may, Android Nougat will come one way or another to the devices, it seems. The team is working on a solution to the problem of HAL, and see if there are less problems with this new version.


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