Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Google buys DroidBooster to improve the speed of Android ... - Android Help


firms by companies like Google is common and often not very important to users. However, buying FlexyCore it is. Are application developers DroidBooster , whose aim is to improve the speed of Android, and could have been working since Android 4.4 KitKat .

Specifically, the company has cost Google about $ 23 million, an amount that is not too noticeable for Mountain View. FlexyCore was specialized in Android kernel optimization, in order to make the operating system running out faster and smoother. And it seems they were getting smartphone performance significantly improved, even more than it was getting Google. Hence, the American company has chosen to acquire this company and pass to work directly with the Android development team.


talks to purchase FlexyCore began a year ago, and that’s the reason that the application DroidBooster would have disappeared from the app store. However, if so long ago that the company was in talks with FlexyCore, it is likely that the team was working on improving the new version of Android, so it’s possible that Android 4.4 KitKat and include DroidBooster own improvements, with a faster and more fluid. Everything is based on how you run the Java code that are written in all Android applications. Although the use of this language has made Android can be installed on a variety of smartphones immense, also has a problem and it can never be as fast as running code in a language processing at a lower level. Android Consider that almost has to translate the Java code, a kind of emulation, which is what slows down the system. Although today the process is optimized, before it was much more noticeable, and more improvement is expected by FlexyCore important, especially in the most basic end smartphones. Anyway, will have to wait to see if Android 4.4 includes some major improvements KitKat regarding the operation of the system and the fluidity of the interface.

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