Sunday, October 20, 2013

The story behind the Android logo - (Argentina)

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    content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> October 20 Sunday October 20, 2013 | 1:05

    class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology


    How green android image representing Google’s mobile operating system, and what are the hallmarks of the most prominent emblems in the world of design

    itemscope=”" class=”firma”

    itemtype=””> By Pagan Kennedy | itemprop=”worksFor”> The New York Times

    Customizing the Android logo, common action is also present in the Google developer conference. Photo: AFP

    Probably class=”primero”>

    The Android logo was born three years ago when Blok worked as a designer at Google. When Google was preparing to promote Android software platform for mobile devices, to Blok and colleagues of the design team were asked to create a look for the software (which consumers could easily identify). The logo, he said, would have to be a robot, and then she turned to investigate dolls and science fiction movies about space, anything that would help to create a character. In the end, was inspired by an unmistakably human source: the pictograms of men and women are often universal in the doors of the toilets. Blok drew a sketch of robot with a torso that was shaped like a can and antennae on the head.



    While working on the design, she and her colleagues agreed that the logo, as well as the software should be open source. “We decided it would be a collaborative logo that everyone in the world could customize” he says. “That was pretty bold.” Most companies, of course, defend their brands from imitations and have filed lawsuits for millions of dollars related to the rights of corporate logos. This logo would be free to use.

    Since then, the Android logo have ninja dress, you have skis and skateboards and even have become a Kit-Kat bar limited edition. Blok (who is now the creative director of Edmodo, a social network for students and teachers) affirms that create the logo was like raising a child: “One gives life to this guy and then he has his own life.”

    The courtyard of Google in Mountain View with all Android logos

    Secrets of a perfect logo

    Ji Lee, a communications designer Facebook, has created logos for non-profit organizations, shops and businesses just starting.

    What makes a logo to be great? The simplicity and timelessness. Those two things are very difficult to achieve. Recently, we have seen a lot of companies are trying to update their logos (Yahoo! has just introduced its logo, whose creation has been much discussed). And AT & T, UPS, Pepsi and American Airlines are making some tweaks to theirs. But one great logo should not need any revision. The logos of IBM, Nike and FedEx have survived the test of time. That has a lot to do with its simplicity. I can not imagine that the Nike logo change, not in a hundred years, there is nothing to subtract.

    Why is FedEx logo fan? Among the letters E and X, there is a negative space forming an arrow. Giño is a subtle, so at first noticeable. The public relations firm FedEx wanted to highlight the arrow to make it obvious. But the designer, Lindon Leader, fought against it because they felt it would be an exaggeration. The fact that people do discover something for themselves is far more powerful than highlight to achieve the task.

    You designed a logo for the New Museum (New Museum, in Spanish), is the outline of the building facade, and has no words. What was the idea of ??doing that? The New Museum, at that time, was inaugurating its new building in a new place and Droga5 (advertising agency for which I worked at the time) ended up doing the campaign . We realized that the outline of the building could become an icon of the entire institution. .

    latest Android notesía Beware of using only laboratory tests Choose a team: they are the only true


    02 OCT


    use only laboratory tests to choose a team: they are the only truth

    They measure the performance of a computer or a smartphone, but only give some information, and can distort, as it emerged this weekía Android turns 5, and 10 also


    25 SEP


    turns 5, and 10 also

    next month met five years of the launch of the first Android smartphone, this platform holds also a decade of developmentía Present the Motorola Moto X in Argentina


    24 SEP

    Present the Motorola Moto X in Argentina

    The company introduced this morning its new smartphone, with a system that is always attentive to verbal commands of the usería Google re-launches its Free Mobile Office


    20 SEP

    Google relaunches

    Free Mobile Office

    The company offers free Quickoffice, an app for iOS and Android that was acquired last year, will be part of the services available on the platform Google Drive, is compatible with Microsoft Officeía CyanogenMod, now on Android Android Racing


    19 SEP

    CyanogenMod, the Android that now competes with Android

    born as a community project to improve the Android version available in many smartphones, now wants to be an independent alternative

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    name=”servicioBomba” received by mail news impacting

    content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> October 20 Sunday October 20, 2013 | 1:05

    class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology


    How green android image representing Google’s mobile operating system, and what are the hallmarks of the most prominent emblems in the world of design

    itemscope=”" class=”firma”

    itemtype=””> By Pagan Kennedy | itemprop=”worksFor”> The New York Times

    Customizing the Android logo, common action is also present in the Google developer conference. Photo: AFP

    Probably class=”primero”>

    The Android logo was born three years ago when Blok worked as a designer at Google. When Google was preparing to promote Android software platform for mobile devices, to Blok and colleagues of the design team were asked to create a look for the software (which consumers could easily identify). The logo, he said, would have to be a robot, and then she turned to investigate dolls and science fiction movies about space, anything that would help to create a character. In the end, was inspired by an unmistakably human source: the pictograms of men and women are often universal in the doors of the toilets. Blok drew a sketch of robot with a torso that was shaped like a can and antennae on the head.



    While working on the design, she and her colleagues agreed that the logo, as well as the software should be open source. “We decided it would be a collaborative logo that everyone in the world could customize” he says. “That was pretty bold.” Most companies, of course, defend their brands from imitations and have filed lawsuits for millions of dollars related to the rights of corporate logos. This logo would be free to use.

    Since then, the Android logo have ninja dress, you have skis and skateboards and even have become a Kit-Kat bar limited edition. Blok (who is now the creative director of Edmodo, a social network for students and teachers) affirms that create the logo was like raising a child: “One gives life to this guy and then he has his own life.”

    The courtyard of Google in Mountain View with all Android logos

    Secrets of a perfect logo

    Ji Lee, a communications designer Facebook, has created logos for non-profit organizations, shops and businesses just starting.

    What makes a logo to be great? The simplicity and timelessness. Those two things are very difficult to achieve. Recently, we have seen a lot of companies are trying to update their logos (Yahoo! has just introduced its logo, whose creation has been much discussed). And AT & T, UPS, Pepsi and American Airlines are making some tweaks to theirs. But one great logo should not need any revision. The logos of IBM, Nike and FedEx have survived the test of time. That has a lot to do with its simplicity. I can not imagine that the Nike logo change, not in a hundred years, there is nothing to subtract.

    Why is FedEx logo fan? Among the letters E and X, there is a negative space forming an arrow. Giño is a subtle, so at first noticeable. The public relations firm FedEx wanted to highlight the arrow to make it obvious. But the designer, Lindon Leader, fought against it because they felt it would be an exaggeration. The fact that people do discover something for themselves is far more powerful than highlight to achieve the task.

    You designed a logo for the New Museum (New Museum, in Spanish), is the outline of the building facade, and has no words. What was the idea of ??doing that? The New Museum, at that time, was inaugurating its new building in a new place and Droga5 (advertising agency for which I worked at the time) ended up doing the campaign . We realized that the outline of the building could become an icon of the entire institution. .

    Android latest pressía Beware of using only laboratory tests Choose a team: they are the only true


    02 OCT


    use only laboratory tests to choose a team: they are the only truth

    They measure the performance of a computer or a smartphone, but only give some information, and can distort, as it emerged this weekía Android turns 5, and 10 also


    25 SEP


    turns 5, and 10 also

    next month met five years of the launch of the first Android smartphone, this platform holds also a decade of developmentía Present the Motorola Moto X in Argentina


    24 SEP

    Present the Motorola Moto X in Argentina

    The company introduced this morning its new smartphone, with a system that is always attentive to verbal commands of the user

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