a motorist helmet use is not optional but it’s something impresindible before taking or using a motorcycle as a safety measure in case of an accident will always hit the helmet against ground to do with the head. Now, and if the helmet is more proactive and mission is not only to protect in an accident but also avoid using all means possible for it
This is the reason that has given rise to Skully P-1, a helmet that increases the field of view at 180 with its built rear camera as well as offering information to the pilot through his microprocessor and a modified version of Android providing and facilitating many of the advantages of smartphones such as navigation information during a GPS, HUD and information shown in the eyes ( a concept similar to Google Glass) and everything so absolutely proactive without using hands to devote to anything but his goal is to have them on the handlebars.
To provide this functionality, the P-1 has a flap on the back of the helmet approved by the Delegation of Transport and Traffic Management onde d stores the hardware necessary to perform all of these functions such as GPS, Bluetooth, accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and its rechargeable battery autonomy .
The hull is in a development phase and is little more than a prototype with many more options to incorporate such as a system call to the emergency services automatically in the event of detects a hit or blow on the helmet and other possibilities will multiply as open platform to invite the participation of developers and third parties to create applications dedicated to this new gadget .
Anecdotally, this invention arose from a car accident that took his creator, Weller, during your stay in Barcelona when he had visited Spain for work. While I was looking for direction and traffic signs to guide him, a car behind it envistió. Upon returning to America he went to work on this idea Skully giving rise to P-1.
launch plans for the disposal being considered for next spring in two colors , matte black or white and possibly will cost over $ 1,000 , something available to few.
Source: Engadget
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