Countless times we have seen from official websites of the brands, the communications manager or Community manager on duty, said forcefully for their loyal fans Facebook news bomb, a surprise, either as an upgrade than anyone expected , or as a new device or …. go figure that
Years ago, we took into account this information, such as leaks, but today, and after the experience has proven to be in most cases has been a communication gaffe Manager or Support Manager or Software of brands.
news is that since LG France have confirmed that Android 4.4 will be available for the Optimus G to late October.
Despite the above, we stop on the road with this news for three reasons:
Because there is some evidence of truth, since this information has been confirmed twice at two different times, the second reason is because the filtration own Android 4.4 looks to be an update for all devices, fitting so perfectly with what was said by LG France.
And the third reason is because it is true that sometimes who has provided information, has accurate, even if not most of the time. Serve this article to also reflect on the communication or rather lack of communication brand users and Google in their updates , leading to misunderstandings or at least, confusion.
relevant enough that it confirm twice, especially when the Optimus G has not yet even version 4.3 . The fact is that we will leave doubts until a few days or weeks.
really been a gaffe support manager French page (which could be either a simple fellow who reads or rumors circulating an internal document that says the update LG) is to rethink the problem again exists between Google, brands, operators, users and updates a set of 5 components that tend to disaster, unless Android 4.4 will surprise you with something and change the current distribution of updates. Behold the new header image “avaible for everybody” can not stop mulling since he left.
What do you expect, and do you think that?
Source: reddit
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