MEXICO CITY (30 / Sep / 2015) .- Google introduced its two new Nexus, a situation that opens the way to the new Android 6.0 version Marshmallow. This update will not be solely on the new smartphones, but all recent devices Android . The first will be the Nexus, which will come as soon as October 5.
The amendments will suffer this new version does not represent major changes in relation to Lollipop. Among the most notable improvements that suffer this new update are:
A stronger battery
It is expected that Android Marshmallow cell use less energy possible. Two new functions would be responsible for supporting this new task; Doze, designed to put the phone in standby and App Standby, an administrator will limit the use of battery applications.
Now on tap
Google explains that using information gleaned from messages or emails, Google Now will be able to interact through various applications and phone features, anticipating user needs.
unlocking fingerprint
This feature was already part of some Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy S6, but with the new version, Google offers official support so that it can run on many smartphones. Customize icons
Android M let you edit the status bar via “Settings”. Using this function will delete those icons that we use in almost no shortcuts.
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Prepare your Marshmallow devices that Android 6.0 is right around the corner .
During the event on Tuesday September 29 in San Francisco, Google said the new version of its mobile operating system, Android Marshmallow, will be available for download from compatible devices from the first week of October .
As usual, the first devices to receive the new version of the operating platform of Google are the family of Nexus devices, starting with the new Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P . Subsequently, the high-end phones –of renowned manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC and Motorola– receive the update once manufacturers modify the software to your liking.
Marshmallow is the latest update to Google for its more than one billion devices using some of their versions. Counting Marshmallow, giant based in Mountain View, California, it has seven versions: Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, and Marshmallow Lollipop – all names of goodies
In CNET. in Spanish we have a full list of confirmed by the companies that will receive Android Marshmallow as soon as possible devices. The list gradually will grow and will update with more devices. If your phone or tablet still does not appear, check later.
Android 6.0 will not bring many changes so notorious in the eyes of users, but there will be improvements under the hood to improve the performance of compatible devices . Pay Android, Google Now on Tap, permits for individual apps, native compatibility with biometric readers and the new battery saving mode Doze are some of the most anticipated news.
While all users own a Android device wants to receive Marshmallow, it is likely that very few receive because of the enormous fragmentation in the platform. Lollipop, available since last year, is installed on 21 percent of devices; KitKat, with two years of availability, is installed on 39.2 percent.
In comparison, iOS 8 with the same period of availability Lollipop won adoption of more than 90 percent until it reached a new version. iOS 9, available from September 16, achieved net making 50 percent, according to Apple itself, in less than a week.
However, the problem is not Google Android, but carriers and manufacturers. Google published the code of the latest version of its operating system-in this case Marshmallow–, and manufacturers must take the code and modify it for each of your devices. This process is time for high-end phones; for medium and low range is almost synonymous that never see the most recent versions of Android. Following this, operators must authorize updates.
already knew his name and many of its specifications for months, and the first week of October we try. These are the main new features of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, improved inside and outside version.…
The first to receive Android 6.0 will, of course, the new Nexus 5X and 6P. As of October 5 that receive the official update will be the Nexus 5, Nexus 6 Nexus Nexus 7 and 9. The above models are left out of Marshmallow.
Although its external appearance is not unlike Lollipop, it does introduce features that will make you use different and the amount of internal changes is also important.
Permissions improved
Marshmallow brings a more complete menu configuration which permits concerns. Now it will be possible to approve or deny access for each application to different phone functions as the camera or similar connection as configured in iOS way.
Now on tap, the search engine deepens
One of the most noteworthy developments in terms of operation is Now on tap. The Google search engine can further examine the content of applications as well as to examine the contents of the screen. From Google Now will be possible, for example, interact in new ways to ask for what we’re seeing at all times.
Voice Interactions
What applies to Google Now, it also applies to applications. In Marshmallow it is possible to interact by voice command within each application. More intuitive.
Squeeze the battery Doze Mode
The battery management is one of the important points in Android 6.0. Google has integrated a new feature called Doze Mode. In essence, what it does is put the smartphone into a deep sleep state when it detects that takes time unused to save as much battery. It also prioritizes the applications they use to always be ready. Google estimates that, with the screen off, the Nexus 5 and 6 will be up to 30% more battery Marshmallow.
Pay and native Android fingerprints
Android already had terminals with fingerprint sensors, but Marshmallow introduced by order management system native biometric security. One reason for this integration is the arrival of Android Pay payment system, the system will compete with Apple and Samsung for being our electronic wallet
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US regulators investigate Google Android operating system
The Federal Trade Commission USA (FTC for its acronym in English ) is investigating whether Google Inc. is using its operating system Android mobile devices to discourage competition said a source familiar with.
The Android platform is a key element of the strategy of Google to maintain their income through advertisements in Internet , at a time when people put aside the search engines in traditional web applications to employ more advanced phones.
The US regulatory action would be a big problem for the company.
Reuters reported in April that some technology companies complained to the Justice Department for the anti-competitive practices of Google , and urged the regulator to investigate allegations that the company unfairly used the Android system to make further announcements on the Internet.
Previously, Google was under investigation by the FTC on charges of possible illegal practices in its search engine on the web and reached a plea deal in 2013.
The European Union has accused Google of distorting its Web search results to favor its own services to buy, and now also investigating the Android operating system.
Google shares were operating with a slight drop of 0.21% to $ 654.9 in early trading session on Wall Street.
The new FTC investigation focuses on whether Google is saying manufacturers of devices for Android applications US company must appear on those phones, telling them how they should be deployed, they said the source.
The commission and the Department of Justice met to discuss whether they will investigate to Google and the FTC agreed to take the case. The research is in its early stages, the source said
Skype lets you interact with your chats from Android Wear. Skype
Skype has been updated to version 6.4 with several new features for Android, but probably the most interesting for many users will be able to receive notifications on your wrist through their devices with Android Wear.
He explained the company, devices like the Moto 360, Huawei or LG Watch Watch Urbane may now receive new messages and users will be able to reply directly from the wrist, without resorting to the equipment.
The modalities to respond directly watch is the possibility of issuing a message or select some already pre-written in the application. For more visual, the app lets you draw faces and to respond with emojis .
One thing that can not be done with the new app from your wrist is take a call either audio or video. Therefore, if you receive one, you’ll have to attend to accept but directly to your Android device. Since the watch can reject calls, put them in mute , suspension or switch to another incoming call.
Since the acquisition of Skype by Microsoft this tool has become a fundamental part of the company. The messaging application is built into Office 2016, for example, to chat over the documents online and already has a web version for those who want open on any computer at any time.
Furthermore, company has come out tools like Google Translate, integrating an online translator app for Windows 10, although in a test phase, is now available for users of this operating system.
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Google Pixel C would be a new tablet that would join the Pixel series and keep the same design concept ‘premium’ of the Chromebook Pixel 2. Google
Google extend Pixel series of products with the introduction of a tablet called Pixel C.
According to the blog Android Police, the new tablet would have a 10.2-inch screen with a pixel density of 308ppp, Android 6.0 and a removable keyboard Marshmallow as offers the Microsoft Surface Pro or iPad. In addition, the Pixel C X1 have a Nvidia quad-core processor, a GPU Maxwell, 3GB of RAM and USB-C port (Type C).
The Pixel C keep the same design concept of the series, integrating a metal body premium and a beautiful display.
According to the report, Google offer two keyboards of accessories that allow the tablet is focused more on productivity than the Nexus 9 last year . One of the keyboards would be another leather and aluminum, which is automatically charged to the close attachment with the tablet.
This would be the first device Google Android Pixel execute as computers (Chromebook Pixel) of this series they have only the operating system running the company Chrome OS. It is also important to note that this tablet also be part of the Nexus series of the company, or any other brand, it would be a device that would be developed and manufactured by Google.
The Pixel C would available in November and its price is not known, but is expected to be presented Tuesday at the Google event, along with 5X Nexus, Nexus 6P and new Chromecast.
Check out everything Google hope the event here and on that day our LIVE BLOG in which we will tell you all the news from San Francisco.
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Never again bother buying a scanner. Thanks to the quality of our smartphones and powerful camera, scan a photo or document is now as easy as taking a picture.
Here we present the favorite apps by CNET to turn your phone into a powerful scanner .
The best app for iOS: Evernote Scannable
Evernote, the popular note-taking application, has built a fantastic and free app called Scannable. It is extremely helpful to scan receipts, business cards and other documents.
That’s because the app uses the technology of optical character recognition (OCR, by its acronym in English) that can detect letters and numbers anything you scan so you can search for words or phrases within a scanned digital document. The app OCR function works automatically, analyzing documents by words and characters. Also use this feature to display specific information on a card, for example emails or phone numbers, so you can save it to your contacts. It is one of the best solutions we have found for scanning business cards.
Evernote Scannable in action. Josh Miller / CNET
What makes Scannable a brilliant app is that it is super easy to use. All you need to do It is open the app and point the camera at what you want to scan. The application does the rest by finding work in the field of view of the camera of a sheet of paper, making focusing automatically and taking a photo. Spend to another piece of paper if you have a multipage document and Scannable the will combine, leaving remove scanned pages you do not want or need.
Then quickly edit the image to enhance the contrast and shine and to be as clear and readable as possible. If you rather have not automatically scan anything in the field of view of the camera, there is a manual mode also captures.
You can configure the application to automatically save any scan directly to your Evernote account manually or export them to your account in iCloud or the roll of film. You can also choose to share scanned documents in a message, email or other applications on your phone. The biggest disadvantage of Scannable is not actually maintains a list of previously scanned documents. You’ll have to save or discard a scan once you’ve captured in order to save or share a new
The best app for Android. CamScanner
To scan documents with your Android phone it is best CamScanner. This free app not only does the basics very well, but does much more.
This app uses your phone’s camera to scan documents, business cards, receipts and even words and scribbles on a blackboard. When you finish making a scan , CamScanner analyzes the image content to organize any type of document automatically. That means all your cards remain in a special folder, while documents or receipts will go in another. As an additional feature, the app also lets you create scans of photos you’ve taken before. The most important thing is that the scan quality is spectacular, but much of it will depend on the quality of your camera phone.
CamScanner Josh Miller / CNET
Once you have captured an image, there are plenty of ways to edit, including adjusting the color, contrast or brightness, or crop the image. You can also add watermarks and annotations as well as labels so you can look further scans. They also come incorporated some collaboration tools where you can invite others to make changes to your scanned documents. The list of features below, including links to popular search and storage services in the cloud as Dropbox or Google Drive.
As scannable, CamScanner has OCR, but you will need download a plug -in apart for use. With OCR, you can search for documents by keyword or phrase, which works quite well. You can also use OCR to export and edit text within your scanned documents, but for that you must upgrade to the full version of paid app that costs US $ 4.99.
You’ll have to create an account to use the app, but this allows you to upload your scans automatically when CamScanner website, which makes it very easy then download them to your computer. CamScanner is also available for Windows Phone and iOS.
Honorable mention
Microsoft Office Lens (Android, iOS and Windows)
This application is very simple and allows you to scan documents, blackboards and even photos to then import your Microsoft account. You can also save your scanned documents as PDFs or add them to OneNote or onedrive. If much you use those services, Office Lens is a great choice for you.
Scanbot (Android and iOS)
One of my favorite apps to scan , Scanbot, has a great design that is also very easy to use. The app automatically scans documents as soon as you point the camera on a piece of paper, which is very convenient. Then you can cut the scanned document and choose the final version of four options with different glosses, effects and contrasts.
The free app makes the basic scan, but if you pay 99 cents per month, or US $ 4.90 in one payment, you can upgrade to the professional version that offers extras such as OCR, automatic labeling and themes. You can also use the free Pro version but with ads.
Just because BlackBerry finally accepted yes launch a smartphone with Android , that does not mean that everyone in the company knows how to use it, including its president, John Chen.
The CEO gave an exclusive glimpse of how it looks and works BlackBerry Priv , the first Android phone with your company previously carried the code name Venice . However, during that show’s executive suffers to operate the device, especially in applications such as Chrome, which it incorrectly named Google while passing pieces show themselves no response on the touch screen.
In his defense, Chen is at the end of the day, the president of BlackBerry and not of Samsung , LG , Motorola or another manufacturer of devices with Android, but still, whatever their experience with this operating system, you might expect that the manager was at least slightly familiar with the operation of their next product high profile before showing it.
This is likely to bring the difficult question of whether to table BlackBerry Priv bring back former users of the company. Chances are that those who already carry time using Android have no problem adapting to the new phone, although even there are better options on the market for hardware in question.
However, as Chen himself was commissioned to demonstrate, people who have used their entire lives BlackBerry devices probably feel lost with Android. And it Priv would solve the problem of shortage of applications in BlackBerry 10, but at the cost of familiarity with the user interface
Android 6.0 will be available to users from October 6 in the Nexus 5 and 6, the RedUSERS website reported.
29 September Google shows new equipment, 5X Nexus, designed by LG, Nexus and 6P, made by Huawei.
These cellular company, with a completely pure Android, are the first to be new version of the operating system.
The company had unveiled the name “marshmallow” on August 17.
We do not know how it will implement, in Lollipop is slow. The system was launched nine months ago and has only 21% of current mobile market. (TN Tecno)
TORONTO, 28 September- BlackBerry unveiled plans to launch the BlackBerry Priv , first smartphone to integrate the Android operating system.
The general director of the firm, John Chen, said the new phone, which gets its name from the privacy of your security technology senior, reach major markets before the end of the year.
Despite the predictions of some analysts that BlackBerry eliminate your own system BlackBerry 10 operating , the company said that so far no plans to make these changes.
During the second quarter, sales BlackBerry fell even more than 800,000 units worldwide, from 1.1 million phones.
remains to be seen whether the entry of Google Android operating system in your product will improve sales of BlackBerry terminals
The BlackBerry company unveiled plans to launch the BlackBerry Priv, its first smartphone to integrate the Android operating system.
The general director of the firm, John Chen, said the new phone, which receives its name from the privacy of your security technology senior, hit the market before the end of the year.
Despite the predictions of some analysts that BlackBerry remove their own BlackBerry 10 operating system, company said that so far no plans to make such changes. It remains to be seen whether the addition of Android in your product will improve sales of its terminals. (I)
After many rumors and leaks, BlackBerry officially announced its new smartphone with Android operating system will be released later this year.
To increase the expectation, John Chen, CEO of technology company, showed the audience the new smartphone, called BlackBerry Priv .
According to Chen, the word Priv comes privacy, giving us understand that one of the main features of the phone is its high levels of security.
The new smartphone from BlackBerry curve has a 5.5-inch touch screen and has a Qualcomm processor (rumors indicate that it is a snapdragon 808). It also has a keyboard that displays at the bottom of the cell.
Although they have not revealed many details of the equipment, rumors indicate that the smartphone will have a camera of 18 megapixel and 3 GB of RAM.