Thursday, September 24, 2015

Android 6.0 would arrive on October 5: report – CNET in Spanish

Juan Garzon / CNET

Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow made public on 5 October, according to data from Android Authority site.

The deployment of the mobile operating system would start for Nexus 6 Nexus 5 and phones that Monday, according to the website. The publication does not mention whether other previous devices Nexus of Google online and tablet Nexus 9 will receive the upgrade at the time.

On September 29, a week before the supposed arrival of the operating system, Google held an event where is expected to announce two new phones: the Nexus and Nexus 6P 5X is also expected to announce a new Google device streaming video Chromecast – and even the rumors have pointed out that there will be. . Two models of the gadget

It is said that the Nexus 5X would be manufactured by LG and would have Full HD 5.2 inch screen; Snapdragon processor would be a six-core 808; He tended 2GB or 3GB of RAM; and 12-megapixel rear camera and front of 5 megapixels. All this powered by a 2,700mAh battery

In the case of Nexus 6P, Huawei would be responsible for manufacture. – Taking advantage of the great momentum within the Asian giant. The Nexus 6P have a USB-C (USB Type C) port, a fingerprint reader, 5.7 inch screen and a battery of 3,500mAh. In addition, it is believed that this cell Nexus would 3GB of RAM, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor (though some rumors have suggested Snapdragon 820), a 13-megapixel rear camera and compatibility with Android Pay.

In the same event next week, Google announce new devices streaming . Rumors suggest that Google will release a traditional Chromecast for video services, but also to have other audio devices in the home, which has the temporary name Hendrix.

For now, none of this is official, but CNET in Spanish will be at the event on September 29 and will have a live blog. Follow him that Tuesday from 8:45 am Pacific Time United States.

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