Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Android application takes photos in secret and blackmails … – RT in Spanish – International News

Android app Adult Player, offering pornographic material, using the front camera of the device without the user’s consent to take pictures, reveals on its website the security firm Zscaler. After the cell phone is locked while the ‘malware’ demands about $ 500 for not distributing the images.

The program hides the stolen material to the owner of the device and threatens to spread to the people on your list contact. Thus, the Adult Player can be considered a tool of blackmail.

In addition, as the amount is not paid and the program is deleted, the application could continue collecting data. Thus, the surest protection in this case would cover the front camera, the expert believes Suelette Dreyfus of the University of Melbourne, Australia, quoted by the newspaper ‘The Australian’.

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