Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Official: Marshmallow Android 6.0 will be available in early … – CNET in Spanish

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Prepare your Marshmallow devices that Android 6.0 is right around the corner .

During the event on Tuesday September 29 in San Francisco, Google said the new version of its mobile operating system, Android Marshmallow, will be available for download from compatible devices from the first week of October .

As usual, the first devices to receive the new version of the operating platform of Google are the family of Nexus devices, starting with the new Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P . Subsequently, the high-end phones –of renowned manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC and Motorola– receive the update once manufacturers modify the software to your liking.

Marshmallow is the latest update to Google for its more than one billion devices using some of their versions. Counting Marshmallow, giant based in Mountain View, California, it has seven versions: Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, and Marshmallow Lollipop – all names of goodies

In CNET. in Spanish we have a full list of confirmed by the companies that will receive Android Marshmallow as soon as possible devices. The list gradually will grow and will update with more devices. If your phone or tablet still does not appear, check later.

Android 6.0 will not bring many changes so notorious in the eyes of users, but there will be improvements under the hood to improve the performance of compatible devices . Pay Android, Google Now on Tap, permits for individual apps, native compatibility with biometric readers and the new battery saving mode Doze are some of the most anticipated news.

While all users own a Android device wants to receive Marshmallow, it is likely that very few receive because of the enormous fragmentation in the platform. Lollipop, available since last year, is installed on 21 percent of devices; KitKat, with two years of availability, is installed on 39.2 percent.

In comparison, iOS 8 with the same period of availability Lollipop won adoption of more than 90 percent until it reached a new version. iOS 9, available from September 16, achieved net making 50 percent, according to Apple itself, in less than a week.

However, the problem is not Google Android, but carriers and manufacturers. Google published the code of the latest version of its operating system-in this case Marshmallow–, and manufacturers must take the code and modify it for each of your devices. This process is time for high-end phones; for medium and low range is almost synonymous that never see the most recent versions of Android. Following this, operators must authorize updates.


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