From this week, some models of smart watches that run on Android Wear, operating system design ± ado by Google to work on wearable devices reckoning (wearables) are already compatible for use also © n with Apple iPhones.
In this way, not only now Apple Watch watches were linked with smartphones of the brand of apple, but also © n models like the LG Watch Urbane.
In a statement on its official blog, Google informó that this option is now available for the iPhone 5 or higher with iOS 8.2. At the moment you can only link clock LG said, but asserted that teams from other brands such as Huawei, Asus and Motorola tendrán compatibility soon.
David Singleton, director of Engineering Android Wear, explained in this publication the advantages of the system: â € œWhen you use something every day, you want to be sure that really works for you. That’s why android wear offers design options sinnúmero ± o.
You can find the watch that suits your style. You wanna a round clock with a more classic look ?, a new band FANCY © ?, ¿What about changing the carátulas every day with artists and design ± adores? With us you can do all that and much more to €.
What básico
The Google system is adapted according to the needs of smartwaches different manufacturers, however, some of its main features are © Stas can review important information, such as phone calls, messages and notifications favorite applications
â € œAndroid Wear. always displays the information on the screen, so you’ll have to move your never Muà ± eca to arouse relojâ €, mencionó Singleton.
Similarly, the year ± ade in the statement, You can set goals phasic conditioning, and get a view of all the days
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