Thursday, September 3, 2015

Google’s Android software clock work with Apple iPhone – Management Journal

The software that powers the smart watches that accept Google Inc. will be integrated with iPhone Apple Inc. through a new service as Jeff Chang, product manager android wear.

Google seeks new ways to populizar android wear your software tries to seduce as Apple customers. (Bloomberg)

(Bloomberg) .- iPhones users who do not want the new Apple Watch have a new option: Android devices.

The software that powers the smart watches that accept Google Inc. will integrate with the iPhone from Apple Inc. through a new service, according to Jeff Chang , product manager android wear. The new option allows an iPhone is integrated with intelligent clock LG Electronics Inc., in addition to the planned Asustek Computer Inc. and Huawei Technologies Co.

“There are many different options,” said Chang . “There Round, sports, traditional and classic. The variety is wide, and that is why we give that option to everyone. “

Google populizar seeks new forms of software as its android wear tries to seduce customers Apple, which launched its watch this year. In the second quarter, the opponent based in Cupertino, California, sold 3.6 million of the devices, or about two thirds of dress smart technology, while android wear was about 10%, according to Ramon Llamas, analysis manager Technology Equipment dress IDC .

android wear was announced last year and offers software manufacturers for their devices clothing. The new offer could help expand the scope of Google many iPhone users who do not yet have the smart watch Apple, Llamas said.

“It’s a thoughtful measure,” he said. It is the market “is currently in its early stages.”

popular features.
The new service for iPhone smart watches aims to use some of the most popular of Android, including email alerts, calendar items and upgrades fitness features. Moreover, with “Google Now”, users can obtain

information on flights or weather forecasts.

There have, however, some of the items available on other Android devices, including Google’s maps, applications third through Google Play Store and Wi-Fi. Chang said that longer term the company will analyze why users prefer the iOS and Android devices, and prioritize the elements while respecting the constraints of Apple.

IDC estimated that the sector of smart devices will grow to 89 million units in 2019 compared to 33 million this year, which will exceed sales of basic apparel, which are forecast to reach 66 million in 2019 compared to 39 million this year.


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