Monday, October 31, 2016

Chrome on Android allow you to put the URL bar in the part … – Wwwhat’s new? (blog)

url-chrome-androidOne of the disadvantages of having a mobile phone with a huge screen is that different actions are impossible to perform with a single hand, for example, for the case of the browser, enter an address in the URL bar, swap tabs, or launch the main menu.

The big problem is that these actions have to do with elements that are at the top of the mobile screen, which makes them more distant to reach, but in Chrome for Android already work on a solution which starts to be available in some of the test versions of Chrome.

The solution involves moving the buttons from the top of Chrome, including your URL bar, to the bottom of the screen, being so comfortable entering the address of a website how to write a new text in a messaging app. Also, they are closer to both the main menu and the buttons of management of tabs.

The feature is present only in Chrome Dev and Chrome Canary, so if you don’t want to wait to the beta version or the official one, you can install either of the first two, go to the address chrome://flags and find the option referenced as enable-chrome-home or Chrome Home.

Subtract-enable it and restart the browser for the changes arising effect. Of course, you still lack to improve before appearing in a more stable version -for example, there is still a stain on the top where before it was in the bar-but it is a good step forward for those who require a management more practical in their new devices. [Via: Ausdroid]


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