Friday, December 9, 2016

Android users interact more with push notifications – Merca2.0

globally, the rates of interaction of push notifications (those that send the apps without being prompted and to notify any new relevant data) are higher in those operating system devices that use iOS, as shown in this research.

In fact, in Europe and North America, the rates of interaction of push notifications are three times more on Android than on iOS, as shown in an investigation of Accengage, which represents the activity between her clients and has found these rates are higher because Android offers the potential to create formats richer, including image and text multilines.

The results show that in Europe, the rates of interaction of push notifications to mobile applications on devices with Android were 16.5 per cent and 5.3 per cent on iOS. A situation similar to that of north America, where rates of Android were by 12.0 percent while that for iOS is 3.8 percent.

By order of results, followed by Oceania (11.5 per cent Android, 4,3 iOS), Africa (11,0 percent Android, 4.5 per cent iOS), Asia (9 percent, Android 3.2 percent iOS) and South America (8.5 per cent of Android, 3.1 percent iOS), which shows a clear trend in all regions analyzed.

A result that also follows from the fact that Android users, do not have the option not to receive these notifications, while in the case of iOS users, if this possibility exists. But even with this difference, the rates are higher, indicating that also influence the chances of messages most rich, as already mentioned above.

In general, push notifications can be effective for marketers that seek to reach consumers with relevant messages. And according to a study by Localytics, it may also increase the rates of income tax withholdings.

The study found that the release of monthly apps among mobile users worldwide receiving push notifications averaged a 13.2 per cent in 2015, 26.9 per cent higher than the average of 10.4 per cent of users who are not received.


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